chapter 1

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All eyes are on the handsome alpha as he moves confidently to his goal. Several people look as if they wish he would look their way, but he just makes his way to the mechanic’s tent at the end of the row. The three men sitting there look up surprised when he joins them.

“Hello nong Mek, ready to try some real racing?” P’Pai asks.

“First of all, don’t call me Mek, and second of all, I would hardly call those little expensive toys you race on as real racing.” The alpha says. He thinks bikes are okay for riding, he has his own. Of course, he does, his family would disown him if he didn’t. For racing though, give him a car any day.

“Oh, so sorry, Babe”, P’Pai says with a sarcastic little bow.

“Why are you here?” P’Phayu asks.

“Can’t I come here?” Babe asks.

“Of course, you can. You know P’Pakin gave you an open invitation to the race as soon as you were old enough to come on your own. The point is you don’t come here.” P’Phayu says. “So why are you here tonight?”

“I’m here to see..” his words are cut off by a squeal.

“P’Babe, P’Babe.” The little omega almost knocks him off his feet as he launches himself into Babe’s arms.

Babe smirks at P’Phayu over the top of the omega’s head as his older brother glares at him.

“Rain, just the omega I came here to see. Are you still following my useless brother around? With your idol looks, I could easily find you a much better alpha.” Babe says.

“Rain is too young to date anyone, he needs to concentrate on his schoolwork.” P’Phayu says with a growl. The omega pouts at this.

“Phayu likes to think Rain is still the same five-year-old that used to follow him around,” P’Saifah says. “He forgets that Rain is starting university in a few weeks.”

“I didn’t forget, it’s why I said he needs to focus on schoolwork.” P’Phayu sighs. “Architecture is hard enough without chasing after some alpha.”

“Even if the alpha is you?” Babe asks.

P’Phayu doesn’t bother answering, he just asks, “Why do you need to see Rain?”

“Rain, could you ask your pa and P'Chai to do me a favor? I need a background check on someone.” Babe asks.

“Of course,” Rain gives him a sunny smile, “text me the information and I will pass it along.”

“You are the best, Raindrop.” Babe tousles his hair. He turns to P'Pai, “I will be going now. If you decide you want a real race, come by the track, I will even let you borrow one of my cars.”

“Please,” P'Pai says, “You just know you don't have a chance against me on a bike.”

“Get a room, you two.” P'Saifah says.

“Gross,” Babe says. “As if I could stand his alpha smell.”

“Not my type.” P'Pai says.

“I didn't know you had a type, P'Pai. I thought you went after anything with a pulse.” Rain says, making his eyes wide and innocent.

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