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(For all the Conan gray fans... on the 3rd of December. Heather. Iykyk.)

I still remember the 3rd of December, when I woke up in her grey polyester sweater.

I looked next to her and saw her. Adeline. Her blonde, curly hair looked almost golden in the morning sunrise.

I caressed my hands up and down her back before she turned over and woke up. Her green eyes glistened in the sunlight, and her strawberry-colored lips moved slowly to say the words "Good morning."

I smiled back at her and turned onto my back, looking up at the glowing stars on my ceiling.

She reached over and intertwined our fingers, squeezing my hand gently.

I turned my head to make eye contact with her once again. She smiled softly before leading in and fitting the crevasse in my face.

"You look so much better in that sweater." She whispered to me, playing with a strand of my hair that had fallen out of my ponytail.

I let out a small laugh as I felt my cheeks become warm.

"Want to make breakfast?" She asked calmly.

We both walked down the stairs in the quiet cabin.

not a single other person within a 20-minute radius.

I was frying eggs when she came up behind me and wrapped her hands around my waist.

"Pancakes are done." She whispered in my ear before kissing my cheek.

We placed our plates on the counter. She hopped up on the counter and hovered over me while eating.

"What next?" I asked enthusiastically.

"Go get ready. I've got somewhere for us to go." She said to me, She had plans to bring her to a very hidden and private bookstore and cafe hidden in the middle of a mountain.

After a little while, we were both ready.

She drove us there.

It was a 45-minute car ride. We listened to "Ceilings by Lizzy McAlpine" as well as an assortment of other songs that were on the radio.

"We're here." She said it enthusiastically.

The store was stunning, but there were only a few other people there.

There was a chimney on the back wall, burning, which filled the room with warmth.

We gathered a few books, and she bought me a bracelet with my birthstone.

She carefully tied it around my wrist, then intertwined our fingers. We sat at a table and talked over two hot coffees and a chocolate-filled croissant.

*3 weeks later*

"I can't do this anymore. I'm sorry, it's just astronomy. We're two worlds apart."

Tears filled my face as she walked out the front door.

It's really over.

all of the memories. Everything. It's over.

I fell apart as she walked out the door; it felt like my life just shattered and crumbled in front of me.

*4 years later*

We haven't spoken since she left.

I haven't been able to move on past her.

I spend my days and nights alone in my room. writing poetry and novels. taking hikes around the mountains and going to a small grocery store for food once in awhile.

But once a year, I go to the bookstore to reminisce about our relationship.

I'm hoping one day I'll see her there.

I go at the exact same time every year.

This year, I walked in, opening the freezing gold handle of the door with my gloves on.

I stopped in the middle of the doorway.

She was there, with Heather. in a sweatshirt just like the one she gave me all those years ago.

I watched her hold Heather's hand. A sharp, stinging feeling felt like it pierced through my entire body. Heather moved her arm and placed it around Adeline's shoulder. They started to walk near where I was standing, and I immediately darted towards the back. I hid from everyone, in between the romance islands.

A cover of a shirtless man with abs was in front of my face. I turned away from it, trying to overhear their conversation. She bought her the same exact bracelet she bought me.

I wore the bracelet every year on this day.

They left the store a little while later, smiling and laughing in harmony together.

I got up as tears and mascara ran down my face.

I went back to my car and greased the steering wheel tightly while screaming at the top of my lungs until I felt like I was going to pass out.

"Why? Why?" I screamed as I placed both hands on my head, running my fingers through my hair.

"Why did she kiss me? I'm not even half as pretty as Heather. Why? Why did she leave?"

I screamed again. Then I stopped myself. I wasn't mad at Heather. I was mad at Adeline. I had no reason to be, but I was. And I hated myself for that.

795 words.

Sorry this was kinda.. deep.
(Reminiscing lol)
Anywayyys hope you enjoyed.

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