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"Shit." My alarm went off a half hour ago, and I have to be at a photo shoot at 5.

I jumped out of bed, slid my UGGs on, and ran to the shower.

I quickly washed my hair and face and ran to my vanity to do my skincare.

I should've left the house 10 minutes ago; I'm going to be late.

Finally, I made it out after pouring my cat Meredith's food.

I flung the front door open and threw myself out of it.
I quickly closed it and locked it behind me.

I ran down the brisk streets of upper Manhattan.

I was in my coat and new balances, sifting through people on my way to the subway.

Until "what the fuck was that for?" a tall girl with a septum pericing and a bob cut hissed into my ear.

I met eyes with her before picking her book up from the ground. "I'm so sorry, I'm just, it was just, I'm late and-"

She stopped me mid-sentence.

"We're cool if I can have your number," she said softly.

My mouth dropped open.

"Don't be too flattered about this," she laughed.

"Right, sorry, yeah, sure."

She handed me her Sage Green iPhone 15.

I added my number.

"I'll text you later." She said she was winking and taking her boom back.

I smiled as I carried on, then remembered I had a subway catch.

I ran back and caught it.

It was only a 15-minute ride.

"Finally stop," the automated announcement chimed.

I got off and made it to the studio 15 minutes late.

But everything happens for a reason, I told myself.

I wouldn't have run into that girl today.

I finished my photo shoot and headed home around 5:30. I stopped by Julianna's for pizza, then headed back to my apartment and got ready for bed.

Just as I was getting ready to put my phone down and go to sleep, I got a text from her.

I gasped and smiled a little bit.

I wasn't expecting her to text me back.

She said, "Hey."

I replied back immediately with "hi."

She said, "Oh, I never caught your name today."

I said, "Neither did I."

"Madi," she said.

"I'm Eliza," I replied.

380 words

Should I do a part 2?
Sorry it's been so long since I've updated.
Thank you for 14.4k <3

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24 ⏰

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