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No, 9.

Or was it 10PM? Your eyes barely adjusted from the faint light that passed through your window. The blanket of stars adorning the dark skies confirmed that it was now nighttime and you realized that you had just woken up from a long afternoon nap since you came back from a 3-hour lecture of Psychology 201.

God, you hated college sometimes. A single day could drain the hell out of you even if you had to just sit there and listen to the professor talk about things that you probably should pay attention to had your mind not chosen to wander elsewhere beyond the four corners of the auditorium. To be fair, you were not to blame that your subconscious still lingered towards the ex that shaped you into becoming the woman that you were now. It had been awhile since you last got a glimpse of him in one of his football matches and it certainly wouldn’t hurt to think about him once in a while.

Luckily for you, it was a Friday night where all the fun usually happened. There were no morning classes to worry about the next day so you had all night to be surrounded by the company of your favorite people.

Your roommate had already returned to your dorm when you sat upright in bed, stretching your arms concurrent to your yawn. “What time’s it?” you inquired in a raspy voice before you raked your fingers through your hair.

“It’s ten-thirty,” was Arin’s answer as soon as she sat on her side of the bed. Her dark brown hair was neatly tied into a ponytail that better suited her seraphic face.

Realizing the time, you rushed out of bed head straight to your closet. “Shit. Yuqi’s gonna kill me.”

You went through piles of clothes, recalling what outfit you’ve recently worn to ensure that you weren’t going to pick it for tonight. You somehow ended up with a butterfly top to match your flared pants, allotting yourself a 15-minute limit to do your make up. For the amount of times you’ve been into parties, this was child’s play.

Arin’s curious eyes followed you while you changed your clothes in haste. For a good girl who prioritized her academics above all, it must be amusing for her to watch you. “You’re going there again?”

You hummed in response, now doing your eyeliner in front of a mirror. “You wanna come?” Quite certain you were that parties were not her scene but the hesitance that danced in her eyes made you wonder if she was finally going to give in. “Come on, Arin. We’re juniors. Learn to have fun.”

By the time you were finishing your make up with a lipgloss, she then timidly brought up, “Is San gonna be there?”

San? You didn’t hold back at how fast you whipped your head to match her curious eyes. “Yeah, why?”

Of course, he was going to be there. It was his world. Let alone the fact that he actually lived in the frat house so his presence was to be expected because he was the goddamn vice president of their fraternity. You couldn’t even deny that some of the thirsty college girls would go there just to catch sight of him. On the other hand, what fed your curiosity was Arin’s newfound interest towards the black-haired man. Since when was she intrigued about San?

She wouldn’t exchange eye-contact but still opened her mouth to ask, “Nothing, um… You guys aren’t dating, right?”

Dating. You couldn’t exactly call it dating per se. College was a nest of fuck buddies and toxic relationships. The percentage of hookups were far exceeding more than those who were in committed relationships. Although you’ve known San for a year now, you didn’t really consider heading to the commitment lane with the man. He probably had the same sentiments. After all, you two could hardly be seen together outside of parties.

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