Peppermints and fruits can be mixed with the right recipie

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Shoto Todoroki has a crush. At least he thought this was a crush, Midoriya told him so, and he trusted Midoriya very much. So Shoto Todoroki has a crush.
Oh god what does he do?

"Midoriya" Todoroki started, barely knocking on the door before opening it to look upon the scene before him with a blank expression. Shinsou Hitoshi who had been moved to class 1-A after the expulsion of Mineta, and who had quickly made home with the class was currently straddling a very flushed Midoriya Izuku along his bed.

Todoroki averted his eyes and looked down towards his socked feet.

"I apologise if I am interrupting something"

Midoriya quickly sat up and wiped his mouth, almost bumping into a red faced Shinso, which looked odd on his usually pale face.

"No, no Todoroki! Don't worry about it!" He smiled at Shinso before wiggling out from under the purple haired boy and approaching the doorway.

"What did you need?" He smiled bashfully, conscious of not only the situation he was caught in but the more of a mess that his hair was than normal.

Todoroki paused, hands gripping the sides of his pyjama pants. A habit his father beat out of him when he was younger.
"I need some...advice" he paused as Midoriya urged him forward "on relationships." The Green haired hummed, urging him again.

"How do I say I like someone? To them?" He added, and Midoriya internally cringed at his method of talking to Hitoshi about his confession and looked back up towards Todoroki.

"Well, um I don't know if I'm the best person to ask about this kind of stuff Todoroki." There was a snort from the background as Hitoshi remembered his confession and the green haired shushed him quickly, looking back towards Todoroki with blotchy red cheeks. He giggled nervously, "I'm not the best with confessions."

More cackling from Hitoshi and Todoroki felt his lips twitch at the easy show of affection.

"Okay, thank you Midoriya, I will go consult someone else, have fun with your make out session" Todoroki felt himself smile at the redness of Midoriya freckled face and the cackling that came from inside of the room as he went to see the next person on his list. Bakugou.

This time Todoroki knocked on the door, not wanting to interrupt something again, even though it was common knowledge knowing that Bakugou had no shame in making kirishima a flustered puddle of goo, and kirishima likewise took lots of pleasure in making Bakugou flustered. Still though.

"Who is it?" A gruff voice called from behind the door.

"Todoroki" the dual haired boy replied stoically.

"What do you want?" He said, the door still hadn't opened.

"Advice" the door swung open, and Bakugou looked outward. Eyes heavy with sleep and hand coming to fiddle with the recently placed hearing aid in.

"Oh Todoroki, what do you want?" Bakugou said, in a voice that the dual haired boy now realised was his, almost asleep but not quite voice. It was again, common knowledge that Bakugou had hearing aids, similar to present mic's in colour as his was yellow and black and Bakugo's orange and black. So it wasn't uncommon for you to have to repeat yourself around the both of them, or speak up a bit louder in english class.

"Advice" Todoroki repeated, his gaze never wavering.

There was a pause, and todorki realised that bakugo was waiting for him to speak again when he tilted his head forwards.

"On how to tell someone you like them"

The blonde nodded his head for a moment before answering "just tell 'em"

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