Tape my heart up like a spiderweb

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Kaminari had just managed to clamber out of a gaping hole in the ground of the common room floor, covered in pieces of white tape and slightly wet from the constant drip, drip, drip of the melted ice surrounding the outside of said hole. Not any more than two minutes ago, the electric blonde was walking through the common room. Smiling brightly in greeting of his friend sitting on the couch and began to walk over a patch of suspicious white tape on the floorboards. Unfortunately, like most times, kaminari doesn't look where he's going, he might notice it but a lot of the tie he will just walk over it or step around it and not clean it up. The joys of ADHD am I right?

So not more than a second later Denki had fallen into the hole and was now cussing at the top of his lungs for sero to come and rescue him, because even heroes need saving sometimes, and for kaminari, that was most of the time.

Let's rewind.

Sero was stressfully pacing the common room floor late the previous night. 11:00 at night, Todoroki would be arriving soon. He was freaking out. The black haired boy looked over to one of the tables, set neatly with two chairs facing each other. The faint glow of candles illuminated the surrounding areas of the table, chasing away the shadows with such force of an angel. Sero had recently made Gazpacho since it was the main dish that Sero talked about that he had an interest in. the dark haired boy thought that it made the most sense since he only liked cold soba. Which, he was not a person to judge, but he didn't particularly like cold anything. But he would move heaven and earth if it meant Todoroki would be happy.

God he is so so far, drowning in love.

He didn't mind as long as it felt like this. Butterflies erupted in his stomach like a caged beast, growling and clawing its way out to stuttered breaths and shaky words. Heart beating in its ribcage as though it was a hardened criminal, out for mass murdering 100 people, threatening to do it again if he got out. Sometimes, Sero felt like it would. Hands shaking and wobbling so much he would often drop his chopsticks, only to drop them again when the dual haired boy picked them up again.

God he loved feeling like a lovesick puppy.

But he also loved the calm parts, sharing lunch under the cherry blossoms, laughing when Todoroki got rice on his nose and not figuring it out where it was.

11:08 where is he?...

"o-oh h-ello Todoroki!" Sero cleared his throat "Didn't see you there"

"Hello Sero" Todoroki looks plainly at Sero but god does serowantto pull him up and kiss him right there.

"i made us dinner!"

"is it cold soba?" emphasis on the cold.

"It's Gazpacho!" Sero beams brightly, Todoroki continues to stare.

"You mentioned ho you wanted to try some traditional spanish food right? well i found one that you might like, i didn't like it much as a kid but i think you'll like it"

The dual haired boy nods and follows Sero towards the table.

all in all it was a lovely meal that the two of them had, and it lasted almost up till midnight when Sero suddenly checked the time and hurriedly decided to move this event onto the main course! hehe if you know what i mean. confessions.


Turns out confessions are a lot harder than they appear on TV.

"Todoroki, wait, i wanted to tell you something"

Shouto hums and turns around, perplexed of this nights events but pleased nonetheless.

"i- uh" sero took a deep breath "i like you"

There was a beat of silence before todoroki spoke "i like you too ser-"

"not as friends"

Again a beat of silence.

"i like you romantically"

"yes that is what i was saying, i like you too sero, was this not obvious?"

Sero felt like he could laugh but all he managed out was a polite wheeze and shook his head.

"Oh, well maybe this will help"

And todoroki fucking kissed him, Todoroki Shouto kissed him. and then promptly burst into flames the moment Sero kissed him back, wrapping his arms around the shoulders of Todoroki and tangling his fingers in his hair.

"wow" kaminari exclaims "that all happened last night?"

Sero wheezed out a laugh "yeah, and then the floor collapsed and we fell through it"

Sero was laughing as though this was the funniest thing in the whole world, Kaminari looked upon his friend, horrified.

"I've got the bruise to prove it" he finally managed to get out before being hit with another round of giggles.

"what are we going to do?! we are going to get in so much trouble for destroying school property and you sound like you're fucking high which you probably are!"

sero took a breath before speaking "denki, have you taken your anxiety meds yet?"

Looking at the way the blonde sprinted off in the direction of the medicine cabinet said everything that needed to be said. However they did get in trouble and charged for the repairs of the school but thanks to endeavour's credit card they were all good to go.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 23, 2023 ⏰

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