Chapter Two: Digivolve To!

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A quick theme begins before a boy wearing goggles is thrown back as if he was falling. "Di Di Di." A tomboy girl is thrown back as well. "Di Di Di. Digimon." A blond haired boy is thrown back followed by a short little boy. "Digimon. Di Di Di. Digimon! Digimon. Digimon. Di Di Di. Digimon!" A girl wearing a pink dress falls back. "Digimon." She's followed by a boy wearing khakis and glasses followed by a little boy. "Digimon." A girl with long brown hair is shown falling back. "Di Di Di. Digimon! Digital Monsters! Digimon are the Champions!" All the Digimon are shown turning from their in-training forms into their Rookie Forms. "Digimon! Digital Monsters! Digimon are the Champions!" Greymon, Birdramon, Garurumon, Karbutarimon and Togemon are shown attacking. "Change into Digital Champions to save the Digital World!" Ikkakumon is shown rising out of the water. Birdramon is shown taking off flying before Karbutarimon is also shown flying. Garurumon is shown running through a forest before Togemon is shown carrying her partner. "Digimon! Digital Monsters! Digimon are the Champions!" Angemon is shown floating protectively in front of his partner who was the little boy who was being held by the brunette girl and she looks up with fear in her eyes. "Digimon! Digital Monsters! Digimon are the Champions!" Everyone is shown falling through the sky before a shadowed Digimon is shown over the island they land on. "Digivolve into Champions!" The Digivice is shown. "Digivolve into Ultimate!" All the Rookies are shown turning into Champions. "Digimon! Digital Monsters! Digimon are the Champions! Digimon! Digital Monsters! Digimon are the Champions! Digimon! Digital Monsters! Digimon are the Champions! Digimon! Digital Monsters! Digimon are the Champions! Digimon! Digital Monsters! Digimon!" Everyone is shown together as the brunette hides behind the boy with goggles.

Suddenly, a voice breaks through the silence.

"All clear. No need to hide anymore!" The voice exclaims and the boys and Yuki stick their heads out of the hiding tree.

"Sora." Tai states.

"You can come out now." Sora states.

"Sora!" Yuki exclaims and tackle-hugs Sora who laughs while Yuki was slightly freaking out still.

"Oh, we were just planning the trap we were gonna set for that big bug." Tai explains.

"I was hiding. That was scary! I hate bugs!" Yuki exclaims and she looks down at the little critter with Sora, "You've got one too..." Yuki was currently hanging off Sora making her lean forward a little. Yuki was a hugger to all her friends which is why she clung to Tai a lot.

"I am enchanted to meet you, friends of Sora. Welcome." The critters says cutely.

"Tai, Izzy, meet Tokomon." Sora explains, "My own personal something-or-other."

"Looks kind of like a radish." Tai explains. Yuki lets go and they look over at the three critters.

"They're cuties, but why... didn't I get one?" Yuki asks. Another runs over and Yuki makes her happy squeak sound which many related to a happy squeal.

"IT'S SO CUTE!" Yuki exclaims.

"They're popping up everyone." Izzy says.

"Hello! I am Tokomon!" The critter says, "Hey, TK! Over here!"

"Coming!" TK exclaims. They look over and TK runs out of the bushes followed by his brother.

"Tokomon! There you are!" TK exclaims running over happily.

"TK!" Matt exclaims.

"Matt, you too?" Tai asks.

"Yeah, I'm here too, Tai." Matt states.

"No. I meant that, under your arm." Tai explains.

"What a cutie!" Yuki exclaims, "Why are they all so cute?!"

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