Part 1

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Bang, Bang, Bang!

The sound of shots firing echo throughout District 12. Peacekeepers flood the houses of innocent civilians; screams of terror fill the air as children are ripped from their parent's arms. Anyone who disobeys the Peacekeepers or refuses to go is shot on site. The chaos erupting throughout District 12 wasn't only happening in 12. In fact, it was happening in twelve of the thirteen districts of Panem. In each of these districts, children were being forced from their homes to participate in the 10th Annual Reaping. During this Reaping, two children from each district, one female and one male, will be chosen to represent their district in The Hunger Games. The Hunger Games were relatively new, as this was only the 10th year of them being participated in. Of course, the people participating in them aren't doing it by choice. It's all a game the Capitol created in which each tribute in each district will fight to the death until there is one victor. Why would they do this? People had different theories. Perhaps it was punishment of the districts, perhaps it's to keep order, or maybe it's purely for entertainment. Either way, most of the civilians in the districts believed they were wrong. However, the Capitol believed it was a necessity, and everyone had to obey them or they would be punished.

Y/N and her family hide in the dusty closet filled with old books and outgrown clothing. The Peacekeepers were getting closer to their house. Y/N clings onto her parents and her little brother, knowing there's a chance, a small chance but nonetheless a chance, she may never be in their arms again. Salty tears fall down her cheeks as a group of Peacekeepers kick down the front door and enter her home. Y/N shakes violently in fear, her mom holding her tightly and trying everything to calm her even just a little bit. Y/N takes a moment to put a hand on her little brother's shoulder, who's eyes were filled with tears and pure terror. She shakes her head in disgust, a 7 year old should not have to go through this each year of his childhood. Y/N gently directs her brother's head onto her shoulder, petting his hair and trying to comfort him. The family stays silent inside the closet, holding their breath and expecting the worst.

    About three minutes pass before the door knob of the closet can be heard being wiggled. Y/N scoots back as far as possible and closes her eyes. She hears the door cracking and eventually being broken through. Four Peacekeepers invade the closet and grab Y/N and her brother. Y/N opens her eyes to look at her mother and father, tears streaming down both hers and their faces as the children were whisked away. Y/N's little brother fights desperately against the Peacekeepers, trying to wiggle out of their grip and kick them. Unfortunately, he wasn't strong enough and it doesn't take long for them to inject the young boy with a sedative. Y/N screams and cries the entirety of the trip to where the Reaping was being held, but she knew better than to try to fight back like her brother did. All she could do now was hope. Soon enough, her and her little brother were standing amongst the entire population of children from District 12. Some of the kids were as young as five, and the oldest were 18. Though, only the ages 12-18 had a chance of being reaped. So, luckily Y/N's brother was safe for this year at least. That gave her some relief. Y/N, who herself was 17, shivers in fear as people from the Capitol enter the stage in front of them. She bites her lip and looks down at her brother with a nod, trying one last time to reassure him that it would all end up alright.

    "Good morning, District 12!" A lady with pink, curly hair says into the microphone with a grin on her face. "My name is Effie Trinket and I am your host for the 10th Annual Reaping. Today we will find out who will represent our District in The Hunger Games!" Effie claps her pink gloved hands together, but she would be the only one to applaud, as the rest of the district stayed completely silent. The pink-haired lady clears her throat and speaks into the mic again, "Not awake yet, are we? Well, you will be here soon enough. As you know, today I will be choosing randomly selected children, one girl and one boy, to be a tribute in this years games." She smiles widely as one of the Peacekeepers hands her a box filled with papers with each of the children's names on them, one side separated with girls names and the other with boys. "Well! I'm sure you all are dying to find out who this years tributes are! Shall we?" The Peacekeepers nod. "As always, ladies first!" Effie carefully places her hand into the box, shuffling around the girl's side of papers before pulling a single one out. "..and this years female tribute for District 12 is..." She pauses to open the crumbled piece of paper, and stares curiously at the name for a few seconds before announcing it. Y/N squeezes her brother's hand firmly just before the name is revealed. "...Y/N!" Effie screams out and claps again.

    Y/N doesn't move. Doesn't speak. She is in complete shock. No. No, no. How could this happen? Why her? She wasn't a warrior, she was just a girl. She wouldn't stand a chance in that arena. Her breathing rate as well as heart rate increases rapidly when she notices everyone from her district staring at her. "Well, come on up here darling!" Effie smirks. Y/N continues to stay still. She wasn't crying, wasn't screaming; she was purely in a state of shock. She felt the world spinning around her, faces and voices were blending together, all she could feel were all the eyes on her and only her. Her legs begin to give out but before she could touch the ground, a Peacekeeper grows tired of waiting and grabs her by the arm, dragging her to the stage. Y/N's little brother tries to follow, not wanting to leave his sister. The Peacekeepers restrain him and all that can be heard in District 12 were his cries and pleads. All of which had no avail. Y/N is forcefully thrown onto the stage, where she takes a few minutes to gather herself before shakily standing up. "And there we have it! Our female tribute! Give her a round of applause!" Effie raises her hands and claps. Everyone in the district claps, though it wasn't really a congratulation clap. More like a good luck one.

"Ah, perfect!" Effie grins. "Now, time for our male!" The crowd goes silent again. Y/N stares at the lady with pure hatred. Her thoughts and feelings were all over the place. She wanted to kill her. She wanted to kill them all. But who was she to go against a dozen heavily armed guns? She clenches her fists and takes a breath. Besides, she would need to save that rage for The Hunger Games, as much as she hated it. Y/N watches nervously as Effie pulls a piece of paper from the male section of the box. She knew she had to get along with whoever's name will be pulled. At least in the beginning.. because of course there could only be one victor. "The male tribute for District 12 is..." Effie pauses and once again gives the audience a devious smirk. "Aaron Knight!" Everyone in the crowd turns to the boy as they did with Y/N. Y/N somewhat knew Aaron, they had had a few classes together. He was a year older than her. Getting along with him shouldn't be a problem, in fact, Y/N suspected he's had a crush on her for awhile now. It was the inevitable betrayal and possibly having to kill each other or lose one another in the games that was the problem. Peacekeepers escort Aaron to the stage where he stands aside Y/N. She couldn't tell whether he was just in shock or if he was actually able to stay so calm in this circumstance.

    "And there we have it!" Effie speaks into the mic, "our District 12 tributes! Go ahead and shake hands you guys." She smiles and nods at the two tributes. Y/N lifts her shaky hand into the air and clutches Aaron's sweaty hand. The two hands connect firmly in unity and they quickly give each other's hands a shake while staring into the eyes of their fellow comrade. While Y/N may not have the same feelings towards Aaron as he does her, she couldn't help but get lost in his sky blue eyes that were partly covered with his dark brown, almost black, bangs. "Isn't that wonderful!" Effie squeals in excitement. "Now, everyone else go back home and continue your daily lives. But don't forget! During the next two weeks there will be occasional interviews with your tributes! Make sure to keep an eye on them as they prepare for what could be their last battle!" The rest of District 12 separates and heads back home, except for Y/N's little brother, who was running up to the stage. As soon as he reaches Y/N, he grabs onto her and embraces her tightly while sobbing into her shirt. She hugs back and rubs his back gently, shushing him and whispering "it'll be okay, I promise," into his little ear. This moment didn't last long as Peacekeepers were quick to grab him off of Y/N and drag him away. Y/N holds back tears as best she could once her brother was out of sight, but of course she couldn't hold them all back. She wipes her eyes and sniffles. Aaron puts a hand on her shoulder. "He'll be okay. As long as we do as we're told, they won't hurt him." Y/N nods and wipes away a few more tears before Effie speaks again. "Alright guys! Now that you're acquainted, let's get you on the train to the Capitol. Follow me!"

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