Part 2

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Coriolanus Snow watches the broadcasting screen with an eagerness he had never felt before. It seemed like the Districts flew by, and his name was yet to be called. District 10's names were called; not him. 11, still not him. Coriolanus was beginning to lose hope that he'll even get a chance to mentor this year. And even if he did, the people from 12 weren't the best at surviving The Hunger Games. He sighs. He really wanted this, mainly because it would've made his father proud. But also because if his tribute won he would be awarded a grand prize, which he could use to give him, Tigris, and Grandma'am a better life. He begins to walk away just before they announce the female from 12, figuring he had no chance of being called as he did the other couple years. Besides, did he even know how to mentor? It sounds easy; lead your tribute to victory. But how? Give them food? Train them to fight? Maybe, but in the end it's still the tribute who ultimately decides their fate. There's only so much a mentor could do. Most will end up watching their tribute die, so it's not a good idea to try and form a friendship with them either. At this point, Coriolanus just wanted someone, girl or boy, frail or muscular. He wanted to be part of the 10th Annual Hunger Games somehow. Even if he lost. He knew his family would be proud of him just by trying. But of course, like everyone else, he had a strong desire to win. And he would indeed try. If he even got called..

Mr. Highbottom changes the broadcast to District 12 where the camera focuses on the female tribute. He then looks down at the list of mentors assigned to the tributes and reads it aloud. "12- girl. Coriolanus Snow." Coriolanus stops in his tracks and abruptly turns to face the screen in which had the face of his tribute. "Y/N.." he reads aloud and shakes his head. Of course he got a puny girl from 12. Then again, he did say he would take anyone. He turns his head to his friend Sejanus who was giggling. Coriolanus glares at him and punches his friend in the shoulder. "At least I got someone." While the female tribute wasn't ideal, and most likely would die in the first few minutes in the arena, he would still put his all into this girl. At least up until her death. He needed to at least make her noticeable to Panem, because right now she looked like a nobody that no one would care about when she gets killed off. Coriolanus wanted them to feel something when she died, then he'll know he did his job right. Perhaps he could form a fake friendship with her to get her to trust him. Tigris always said trust was important. He was sure even scripted trust could win people over. He knew he couldn't form a real friendship, even if he wanted to. He'll be losing that girl in two weeks anyway. He had no hope for her.

"12- boy. Sejanus Plinth." Mr. Highbottom called out the last name. Coriolanus looks at his friend with a deadpanned stare. The boy from 12 was in a lot better shape than Y/N. Plus, Sejanus was better than him at making friends. However, Sejanus does get attached easily. That will most likely be his downfall during the games. He saw the tributes as human beings, while Coriolanus saw them as simply pieces in a game. He had to think that way, otherwise he'd never even come close to winning. Coriolanus and Sejanus exchange glances as Mr. Highbottom wraps up the gathering. "Mentors chosen, tomorrow at dawn you will meet up with your tributes at the train station. From there, you will have two weeks to prepare them for the games. Remember, if anyone has any ideas on how to get more people to watch, let us know!" Sejanus must've been scheming something, because he immediately raised his hand. "Sir- what about tribute romance? You know, because in the past it's mainly been every man for himself, so what if we add a little romance to it which will inevitably create more drama? Leading to more views. It shouldn't be hard to persuade the tributes either, their lives are already in our hands. They have nothing left to lose," Sejanus suggests. Mr. Highbottom takes a moment to inhale those words before turning to glance at the head game maker, Volumnia Gaul. Volumnia steps down from the stage and approaches Serjanus. "Are you suggesting the district pairs should become.. couples?" She asks; Sejanus nods slowly. "Well.. I will take that thought into consideration. I do agree it would make the ultimate betrayal more appealing to audiences. I believe it's worth a try, but you mentors will be in charge of getting the tributes to stage a love affair, got it?" Both Coriolanus and Sejanus nod and begin walking back to their rooms. "Oh! One more thing." Volumnia exclaims, "You are not allowed to form any kind of relationship with your or any of the tributes, even a staged one. It could mess up the plan. Remember, the tributes are only allowed to get near each other. You two will have to stay behind bars or a glass wall when talking to your tributes. And if you try anything, you will be relieved of your duty." She smiles and walks away, leaving the two boys to themselves.

     "I can't believe that actually worked!" Sejanus yells excitedly and gives Coriolanus a fist bump. "We're gonna get them to love each other more than the we love our mother! Well- maybe that's a bit too far- but, you get what I mean! Coryo! We may win this! Did you see the way our tributes looked at each other at the Reaping? This will be a piece of cake." Sejanus smiles brightly, a smile filled with hope. Too much hope. Coriolanus, on the other hand, was scared. His plan wouldn't work anymore, and he had no idea how to get Y/N to trust him without being able to even get near her without something barricading them apart. I guess trust didn't matter after all. As long as he could get Y/N and Aaron to put on a good show. Again, not exactly how he wanted to mentor the girl, but he'd have to do so nonetheless. The views were what kept the games going, after all.

    Coriolanus goes home and tells Tigris and Grandma'am the news. Tigris immediately hugs him and Grandma'am pinches his cheek. "You finally were chosen! Oh my goodness, Coryo! I'm so happy for you!" Tigris claps her hands together after hugging Coryo and runs her hands through his shoulder-length blonde hair. "I made something for you." She smiles and disappears into her room for a few seconds before coming out with a long, silky red dress. "It's for Y/N, tomorrow. I think she's already a beautiful girl, but put her in this and everyone will love her. One thing the other districts don't have is good fashion." Tigris chuckles and hands Coryo the dress. "Thank you, Tigris. It's beautiful, as always. You never disappoint." Coryo carefully folds the dress and places it in a bag. "Oh, you didn't think I forgot you, did you? Here." Tigris pulls out a buttoned white shirt with tiny gray vertical stripes. "Made that one from a few certain things I found around the house. The buttons were your dad's. Go ahead and try it on!" Tigris beams. Coryo nods and returns the smile, quickly going to his room to change into the newly woven shirt. He comes back into the living room a couple minutes later looking pleased. "I love it, Tigris." Coryo says happily. "Best cousin ever." Grandma'am walks over to Coryo and places a beautiful white rose on the top left side of the shirt. "One final touch." She smiles, then hands Coryo an additional white rose. "That one is for Y/N, for protection." Coryo thanks his family members before heading to his room to get some sleep before the big day tomorrow, where he would meet his tribute for the first time in person. He wondered before he drifted off to sleep if she even knew she had a mentor, and if she'd actually listen to him. Guess he'll find out tomorrow.

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