Tied by invisible strings.

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                                                                     Chapter one

''you know it's not a bad thing starting a new job'' A voice shouted from the bathroom, ''it is when the boss is known for being a complete dickhead to anyone who works around him'' I replied huffing. ''Bella I'm sure he's not as bad as everyone makes him out to be''. I hummed in response In no mood to retaliate to my roommate's words. ''Try have a good day for me and worse comes to worse I come kick your boss in the balls'' my friends comment managed to sneak a smile on my face. ''Thank you Lyra, I'll let you know how it goes tonight'' I spoke up before leaving the house.

Checking the time My face dropped slightly, first day and I was already late. I was sure to get an ear full from some asshole about time keeping. I made my way to the car speeding off in attempt to be any less later than I was.

Finally making it to the entrance of the building I tilted my head slightly as the tall building overhung the city, I shook My head out of thought before entering, making My way to reception. ''how can we help you miss'' A woman spoke up as I approached the desk. ''I'm here for the new assistant job'' I spoke handing the desk my papers. ''ah of course if you just go down that hall to the left, you'll see a lift and press the button for the last floor at the top here's your key card for access... and good luck the boss doesn't take to well to lateness'' The woman warned before I thanked her and made my way to the lift.

I swiped my key card on the lift waiting for it to activate, I rested my back against the glass tapping my fingers impatiently on the bar before finally hearing a ding, the doors opened inviting me into an open floor filled with people running back and fourth. ''well shit'' I muttered under my breath making my way to another desk. '' are you in need of assistance '' Another woman spoke softly. I Explained what I needed help with and soon enough she helped me locate my own desk and told me what I had to do which it seemed pretty straight forward. ''really all you need to do keep your desk clean, remind the boss of his appointments only if he needs it and if he asks for something you get it immediately''

I gave the woman a nod and thanked her for helping me before sitting down at my desk tapping my fingers once again, I grew impatient needing something to do. I began to re-organise my desk in hopes to pass time which thankfully in my favour it did. ''you chose a rather boring job to work here the boss never asks for help from his assistants they all just left after a while'' someone next to me spoke up making my gaze shift towards them. ''you mean to tell me I get paid for sitting at a desk all day doing nothing and I never have to see the boss?'' I spoke up with a smile on my face.

''I mean pretty much... yeh. I'm Rachel by the way'' Rachel allowed her arm to extend inviting me for a handshake. ''I'm Belladonna but just call me Bella'' I accepted her handshake before shifting my gaze back to the desk. ''I think me and you will become great friends Bella, we both feel the same way about the boss.. we hate him'' I looked over to her again a wide smile plastered on her face, ''I don't hate him I've never met him I just don't like what I've Heard'' I spoke up bored of Rachel talking to me already.

''Best hope you never have to meet him then'' She said before turning back to her desk continuing her work, I hummed in response to her comment before pulling out a book and reading it to pass time.

Worst part of the job is I have to stay the latest even though The boss doesn't need me I still have to work from 6am all the way to 7pm everyone leaves at 5 meaning I have the whole office to myself well except the boss is up here with me but he seems to own his own big office being the CEO of the company I suppose has its perks.

I groaned watching the time slowly pass before it was finally time to go, I made haste attempting to leave before the boss could see me which worked in my favour thank god. I exited the building yawning before entering my car and making my way home.

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