Tied by invisible strings

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I woke up feeling groggy as shit, I attempt to sit up on the bed but apparently this man's log of an arm has a firm ass grip on me. I sighed as I sunk back into the bed, the room was perfectly still and quiet well except the light snoring from Daniel which I found more comforting than annoying. I smiled to myself as I admired his face from the slight sun poking through the curtains. His eyelashes were longer than mine and sat so perfectly even when he slept, his dirty blonde hair with slight bed head and ruffled which I'll admit he looked adorable

And his lips where so perfect, soft and a light pink colour I couldn't help but stare at them again but I don't want another re-enactment of yesterday morning. I looked away turning my back from him, his arm still hung over me though even asleep he pulled my body in closer pushing my ass against something hard. Starting to regret turning around knowing full well what I'm feeling on my ass is definitely not a remote.

I tried to wriggle away from his morning wood earning a groan from Daniel "Cherry stop wiggling that's just teasing me" my eyes grew wide not actually realising what I had being doing, "Sorry" I managed to muster up sheepishly. "We will be taking the jet back home today start packing your stuff away darling" He spoke groggily. "I'll get right to it then" I gave him a smile as I tapped his arm so he could move it, which finally he did.

I sat up and moved to the edge of the bed giving my matted hair from last nights sleep a quick ruffle before stretching and getting up. I went for a quick shower washing my hair and body having a slight concert in the bathroom actually forgetting my boss was in bed but as I said I've yet to actually care what people think.

I stood in the shower for another five minutes before getting out wrapping a towel round me and brushing my teeth before putting my toiletries back in my bag. I started cleaning up my clothes throwing them back into my bag checking every nook and cranny making sure I hadn't forgotten anything before going back into the bathroom to get dressed into joggers and a hoodie.

I wrapped my hair into a messy bun with my hair clip and exited the bathroom before laying down back on the bed allowing Daniel to get his stuff sorted. I waited what seemed like forever and finally he woke up fully, instead of him getting up though he cuddled back into me. "Daniel you need to get up stop being lazy" I spoke quietly and nudging him. He groaned in response before getting up and sulking his way to the bathroom. Leaving the door open once again which takes me back to my thoughts from last night.

Seen him touch himself was the most erotic thing I've seen, so yes I pretended to sleep when he got out the shower and I shouldn't have watched something that was private but he left the door open. I cleared away my thoughts before double checking everything was packed away, I made a quick sandwich and sat at the table as I patiently waited for Daniel.

A few more minutes pass and he's exited the shower, I could hear him ruffle about in the bedroom meaning he was probably packing his bag. I threw on my shoes waiting for him to exit the bedroom. Another couple minutes pass and he finally came out of the bedroom with his bag hunched over his shoulder.

''Time to go love'' Daniel spoke with an exasperated sigh. ''you okay?'' I questioned my eyes scanning his facial features. He gave me a nod before holding the door open for me. Wasn't long before we returned back to our city and quite frankly I didn't really want to leave that hotel. The jet ride back was quiet Daniel didn't seem like himself but that's none of my business... which is what I told myself to forget I am actually a little worried about him.

I got back to my apartment where Lyra seemed to have being sat waiting for my return for a while. "Soooo tell me EVERYTHING" she squealed into my lugs causing my body to cringe at the high pitched voice. "Chill and nothing happened we got into the hotel and there was only one bed!" Lyra seemed to have frozen with a gasp. "Omg it's like a book trope!" She really did just spell out oh my god with just the letters...

"Our relationship is not a book trope, oh I also got stuck in a fucking lift with him that was great" I spoke sarcastically. Her face was screaming to say another book trope. Absolutely not....

We spoke for hours of the trip, which every now and again I earned another screech in my ear. Lyra is a romantic and so am I, I love romance books and especially smut but that's a secret of mine. My relationship with the boss is strictly professional... kinda I mean I wouldn't say I treat him like the CEO of a big company but that's because he's a dickhead.

So it would be somewhat a professional relationship I hate him and he wants nothing more than to get in my pants. NOT. HAPPENING.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 23 ⏰

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