Chapter 10: Back home

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*Few days later*

We rode up to the castle in my kingdom and The guard at the gate wasn't there. The gate was wide open. I looked over to Harrison and shrugged. We got off our horses and walked right in.

The castle was a total mess. There were guards and staff members running around as though they didn't know what they were doing. I walked into the throne room and there were even more people. More staff, guards and even people from the village. I go to my throne and call out.

"Everyone calm down!" Everyone quiets down and look at me.

"Who are you?" Someone in the crowd of people yells out.

"I am princess Ella. Daughter of king Reynold the II. My father has recently died due to unknown causes. I understand you are all in shock and don't know what to do but I believe I can make this work out." I say.

"Guards and staff back to your positions. That gate is still wide open." The guards and staff run out to their positions. "Now subjects of this kingdom. I assure you I will run this kingdom with as much wisdom and kindness as my father did." They all are escorted towards the doors and leave.

"Good job taking care of that crowd Ella." Says Harrison.

"It felt good. Being in charge you know." I say.

"If you still want to be a guard in the castle you can." I add. 

"If it means I get to be with you more often, then I'd be delighted to take my post once again." He leans down and kisses me softly. 

"Now that all this is sorted out, I had an idea." I say.

"And what exactly would that idea be?" Harrison asks.

I call out to the staff member who takes care of all the parties and balls, Morgan.

"I was hoping to throw a ball. Not just any ball. A celebration ball. To celebrate the curses being gone. And I want the entire kingdom to attend. And also invite the king and prince of Reibiunach. I must speak o my brother about serious matter."

"Of course Ella. I'll send out the invitations. Wen will this ball happen?" Asks Morgan.

"I was thinking tomorrow night? Is it too short notice?" I ask.

"Of course not! Any time is perfect for a ball. I'll send out the invitations within the next few hours."

"Thank you Morgan. And can you fetch the rest of your crew to decorate the ballroom? It must look exceptional for the king of Reibiunach."

"Of course princess." says Morgan

*The next day*

"Now we have to figure out what we will wear." Harrison says.

"I'm sure I can find a dress in my mother's closet. You on the other hand... I think I can get my father's tailor to make you a formal outfit. You will be fitted and everything." I say. 

I shoo off Harrison and walk up to my mother's bedroom and towards he closet. I haven't been in this bedroom since she passed away. I still feel her love and warmth in this room. Her closet is in the far end of the bedroom so I make my way there. 

It's a walk in closet that is about 5 feet wide by 15 feet long. I's filled with dresses for every occasion; ball, parties, meetings, funerals. Everything.

I go to the section where the ball dresses are. There are so many I've lost count of them all. I go for a 3/4 sleeve light blue dress that falls all the way to the ground. I choose a pair of black flats. I can't stand high heels and I pick out my mother's pearls. There is a picture of her on the dresser and I look in the mirror. We could be twins. If only she were here.

There's a knock on the door. I go to open it and my mouth drops open. Harrison is standing there in a black suit and is holding a few ties. 

"I was told my tie has to match my date's outfit. Could you help me pick one out?" He points to the ties in is hand.

"You should take this one." I point to a black and navy blue tie that will complement my blue dress.

"Thank you." he says.

"Do you know how to tie a tie?" I ask him.

"Of course I know how to tie a tie! Don't be ridiculous!" he says and I laugh.

"Well hurry up and tie it because people are starting to arrive and I don't want to be late because my date couldn't tie a tie!" I say still giggling a bit.

"I love it when you giggle because you smile and you have a beautiful smile." Harrison tells me. 

"Well thank you now finish up we have a ball to attend."

We walk down the stairs and Morgan announcing our arrival.

"Princess Ella and her companion Harrison!" He calls out.

We walk down the stairs, my arms linked to his. There are so many people. I haven't been to a ball since My mother passed away because she was always the life of the party. 

We get to the middle of the room and everyone looks at us. The waltz starts to play.

"May I have this dance?" Harrison asks me, holing out his hand.

"I'd be happy to." I take his hand and we begin to dance. Everyone around us starts dancing as well and the night so far is a big success.

"Mind if I cut in?" Peyton asks Harrison.

Harrison kisses my hand and hands me over to Peyton.

"Hello." He says

"It's been a while, hasn't it?" I ask.

"It has. I'm glad you invited me and he king."

"I invited you because I need to talk to you."

"Is there something wrong?"

"Nothing is wrong. No everything is fine. I was just wondering, since you are my brother, if you would help me run this kingdom. I can't manage the whole kingdom all by myself. I was really hoping you could come back home and be a king."

"I'd Be honored to come back home. But wait. If I'm king, are you the queen? Because if you are the queen--"

"No silly. I'm not going to be your queen. I'll still be princess. But you won't have to make all the decisions by yourself. I'll still be here." I tell him.

"Alright then I'll be he new king of Rioga Draiochta. Hopefully we can run the kingdom like father did."

"That reminds me. We are going to need to organize a funeral for him. He is a king after all."

"Of course. And he is our father so we must." 

"May I cut back in?" Harrison asks.

I give Peyton a quick kiss on the cheek and take Harrison's hand once again.

"Did you ask him to come back home and rule the kingdom?" He asks

"Yes I did and he said he would be honored to be the new king and he really wanted to come back home. We also discussed about organizing a funeral for my father of course." 

Harrison and I dance the night away and when the ball is over, it's off to sleep and wait for tomorrow to come.

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