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Haechan was out sick, once again leaving the shop to Jaemin.

He didn't really mind, though. He was just glad it was Friday. Next week would be a little busier, with them having a few modeling shoots scheduled, so he was looking forward to having some downtime this weekend.

Just as he finished checking out a handful of customers, he saw Charity come in, greeting him.

He waved back at her. "Back again so soon?"

"Yeah, I decided to stop by before clocking in," she said, smiling.

Clocking in? Jaemin tilted his head. "You work nearby?"

"Yeah! Downstairs at the toy store—Toyscape."

"Ahh. I guess I'll have to stop by to visit you sometime, huh?" he said teasingly.

"Yeah I guess so," Charity laughed. "Ah, you used one of the stickers," she noted delightedly.

Jaemin looked down at what caught her attention, completely forgetting he'd added the hot sauce to his badge. "Oh, yeah," he grinned. "Adds a little character."

"I'm glad you like it," she said, smiling. "Well, I don't want to hold you up too long. Sorry for not buying anything this time, by the way."

"It's okay. And you're not holding me up. I can do this all day."

"Yeah but I don't want your boss getting mad at you, chatting with friends when you're on the clock."

He felt a slow smile spread over his face. "I can't get mad at myself."

"That may be, but— wait," she cut herself off. "You're the manager?"

He nodded. "I own the store."

"Own? As in you don't just run the store but it's like your own-own business?"

He nodded again.

"Wow! I want to open one, too, one day."

"Really? Are we going to be each other's competition," he asked, teasing.

"Oh, you don't have to worry about that! It'd be a toy store, along with a few other fun things. Like those stickers I gave you."

Now it was his turn to be surprised. "You— you made them?!"

"Yeah! I just design them on my ipad, print, then use tape and wax paper," she said, pulling up something on her phone. Her camera roll had several different thematic designs.

"Do you sell them?" He asked, coming around to get a closer look.

"Sometimes on Etsy."

"These are cool, Charity," he said, pointing to one set of designs in particular.


Jaemin hadn't realized how close he was until he saw he was practically leaning over her shoulder.

"Uh, sorry," he said, inching away.

"It's okay," she said. "I should actually leave. For real, this time."

A sudden thought came to his mind as she walked off. He had the oddest sense of déjà vu from when he called out to her the first day they met. Which is why he said: "Hey."

Charity paused, turning back to face him. "Yes?"

"Since we both work in the mall, do you wanna maybe meet up sometime?"

What? It was an innocent proposal. He figured that he needed more friends besides the guys at the agency. And to his grace, Charity didn't seem to be overthinking, because she had a look of unexpected cheer hearing him ask this.

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