chapter 1

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"GET OUT YOU MIDGET DORA LOOKING ASS BITCH, I NEVER WANNA SEE YOU AGAIN" the Muffin Man yelled while throwing his arch enemy, Lord Farquad, out the window. Glass shattered and pierced into Lord Farquad's skin as he cursed. "Gosh darn fiddlesticks!!"

It was only a few minutes ago when Lord Farquad was in a rocky situation where he had just ate Taco Bell and couldn't hold in the dookie. He was visiting the Muffin Man's house at the time, and the restroom was occupied, so Lord Farquad squatted down and pooped on his $1,000 carpet. Which, he didn't know how expensive it was, but Muffin Man didn't seem to let it slide either way because due to the pink stain on the floor from Lord Farquad's ass, the Muffin Man wanted Lord Farquad out of town for good.

The day after this, he'd already started a petition and had everyone in town sign it, even that weird ass oger that lives with the donkey. The petition was to have Lord Farquad and all of his belongings banned from town, and from his surprise, there wasn't a single person who didn't sign it. He'd been betrayed. So Lord Farquad packed up all his things and moved to Oregon.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 24, 2023 ⏰

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