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"Um can I go shower so I feel fresh I'm still a bit sleepy"
"You don't need to ask but yeah you can um your clothes are over there"
"I'll be downstairs I need to make a call"
I took a shower and got dressed and put the necklace James brought for me back on and spent 5 min staring at it in the mirror, It looks amazing, What am I doing I should go downstairs now
"Hey I'm done, did you have a shower too" I asked noticing he's changed clothes and wet dark blonde hair, he was wearing jeans and a dark blue t-shirt that matched his midnight blue eyes
*The door bell rang*
"That must be your friend's"
We went to go check but David bet us to it he already answered the door"
"Sir they say they friends with Miss Emma" David said
"Yes. Let them in" James replied
"Em!" Katie shouted
"Hi Kay"
"Hello Em" Bella said
"Wow this house is so big and beautiful" Katie said
"Katie shh" Bella said
"Thank you" James said
"Hi I'm Katie nice to meet you, and this is my boyfriend Mike" Katie introduce
"Hey" Mike said
"Hello Mike"
"and I'm Bella please to met you"
"Same here, please come make yourself at home"
"Come on girls" I said
"I didn't expect his house to be this big, Em you didn't say his so hot, you two are made for each other" Katie said
"Shh Katie he'll hear you" Bella said, lucky he was talking to Mike
"Okay wow this house is amazing"
"Yeah it is"
"Um there's something I want to tell you'll"
"No way, you'll dating" Katie said
"No, I was about to say that his well um James Parker"
"What" they both said
"I'm in James Parker's house" Bella said
"Um yeah"
"Okay um tell every thing the hospital story"
I told them everything from the hospital story it went to the Zoo then my house, so basically they know everything
"Okay I must say he has good taste in jewellery" Bella said and hearing that from her means she really meant it she hardly comments stuff
"And the 'J' and 'E' looks so good together"
"Anyway um did you fix the pool for the pool party" I asked
"Yeah but it's not dry yet so we'll have to wait another week or two" Katie said
"A pool party" James said as he and Mike came to the lounge
"Yeah Katie and I were planning on having a pool party but our pool just got fixed so we can't put water in it" Mike said
"Why don't you have it here, I have a pool"
"We don't want to be a bother"
"It's no problem at all and besides it will be fun and we'll all get to know each other"
"Um okay then"
"So when we going to have it" Katie asked
"How about Friday the weather will be okay and we have tomorrow to buy snacks and stuff we can put our money together" Bella suggested
"I disagree, I'll pay for everything" James said
Finally after a long argument we all agreed so we spent the rest of the afternoon planning the guest list then they went home after that James and I ate out we had hotdogs by the park then James dropped me off at home I told him that I missed my room and stuff so he agreed

❥My love story❥ ~n.o's~books~Where stories live. Discover now