cap. 5 ancient China

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C.D/N= Chinese dragon name

it took me five days to arrive in the kingdom, I looked around, for me China was a cultural shock, everything was totally different from what I was used to seeing this type of architecture given that I was used to Asian architecture.
As always I had to be careful of the Xia dynasty, who I immediately encountered after only a few meters in the town, he looked at me confused and then I realized that I was dressed as an ancient Greek and I ran away embarrassed to change into the clothes of the kingdom.
I heard footsteps approaching where I was standing, I would be found because H/N was looking in my direction.
The Xia dynasty approached H/N, he looked surprised, okay it was normal, H/N looked like a horse straight out of mythology.
I used this distraction to change into the town clothes and also do my hair.
I found a small snake and transformed it into a small Chinese dragon which I put on my shoulders and approached.
The Xia Dynasty was petting my horse.
H/N approached me and the Xia Dynasty noticed my presence.
"Good morning"
"Good morning"
We stared at each other for a few minutes without speaking
"you are married?"
"who is the person who won a goddess like you"
"Mu Chen"
"Mu chen who?"
"I don't know, he never told me his last name"
he turned and then left, I looked at H/N and C.D/N confused, he was the first country who didn't show any interest towards me, he left me alone!
I got on my horse and I continued to explore the kingdom but I felt the sensation of being watched.
luckily after a while that feeling went away.
I understood that the Xai dynasty was chasing me and that I had to find my fake husband before the dynasty started spying on me again.
I found him in a square in the city, he wanted to have the ceremony tomorrow since he didn't want to lose me.
the evening came and I managed to make Chinese food without burning or destroying it, I began to eat in front of my future fake husband, and the feeling of being watched returned.
I looked up from my plate but he wasn't staring at me, I looked out and saw Xia Dynasty hidden among some trees
"are you okay love? did you see anything outside?"
"yes, I saw an animal outside"
he stood up and closed the doors.
"Don't worry, you're safe with me"
"Thank you"
As soon as we finished eating we went to bed, I hated sleeping on the floor, it was uncomfortable, but he managed to put me to sleep.
I woke up the next morning and saw that my false husband had been killed in his sleep, his throat had been cut and his windpipe was missing and his tongue and lips had been cut off.
I ran out to call the police or someone to help me about the murder that was committed next to me in the night.
I stayed outside the house while people went to check what had happened.
he felt arms wrap around me, I turned around and saw the Xia Dynasty.
"What happened my love?"
"my husband was killed during the night"
"this thing is really horrible"
he held me tightly to him
"Can I take your husband's place? I'm much better than that stupid plebeian"
"no, I have to get confirmation from my parents to get married again"
"your parents will certainly marry you"
I got on my horse pretending to go to my parents' house but in reality I continued to visit the kingdom alone.
I went to the capital after two days.
I wanted to play with her feelings for a while, I went around the city and found some desperate relatives who were looking for a wife for their son, I made the offer.
My husband was bad, he didn't say a word to me when I met him and he only gives me orders.
he really had to die.
I managed to convince him to take a walk outside the house and there he was the Xia Dynasty looking at me in shock.
in the evening his parents helped me cook, his mother was a very kind middle-aged woman and my husband's brother's wife was nice and kind.
at dinner we talked about everything, my husband's parents filled me with questions and I tried to answer each of them.
the evening came, I was sleeping next to my future husband, but I didn't fall asleep, I remained looking at the ceiling and then immersed myself in my imaginary world.
after a few hours he heard someone walking outside my room, I turned towards my husband pretending to be asleep.
I heard footsteps approaching my husband and me, I opened his eyes slightly to see who had entered, as soon as I opened a knife it was stuck in his throat.
my eyes widened in fright.
the dynasty noticed this and lowered itself
"Look who's awake"
I jumped up to run away but stopped, stared at him intently, and then extended my hand palm up.
"Will you live with me my dear?"
"no, abracadabra"
C.D/N jumped out of my sleeve and attacked the face of the Xia Dynasty.
I used this moment to jump down the window, went to H/N's lounge, and went a few meters away from the place where the Xia Dynasty was located.
D.C/N return I put it back on my shoulder and left, he started chasing me but luckily I managed to run away thanks to H/N
"okay the Xia dynasty is really crazy"
"I'm tired of being a victim of all those countries so..."

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