cap. 7 law, school and military

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the people created traditional clothes and some dances while I helped the rulers create new laws that could improve the country.
"then, why not create an unchangeable law that can only be changed with a coup d'état"
"and what law should it be"
"that women have the same rights as men and that this kingdom is a constitutional monarchy, the parliament must be elected every 7 years by the population, but the parliament will be created in five years since we must first teach politics to people who would like to take on the task of having control over the country."
"okay, anyway other laws that could help the growth of our country"
"let's see..."
after many hours of talking about politics I went to my cloud and relaxed. After a while I was called down by some people.
"We built the schools but what do we do with these structures?"
"We teach children from six to eighteen very important things, there may be things that may not be useful but it is general culture. such as history, geography, mathematics, science, biology, art, politics, civil education, music, grammar and literature. then after eight years of school they can improve in the subject they prefer and with it find a job after another five years of studies, but the school must not create workers, but thinkers"
"why not workers"
"who will have the ideas of create new things and experiment with them to move our country forward if everyone has their minds focused on work"
"you're right, however, we haven't furnished the structure, how we furnish it"
"let me explore the structure and I'll tell you later"
I explored the schools and I told them how to furnish them and which rooms became classrooms, the gym, the janitor's office and all the other rooms that are needed in a school.
Once the refurnishing of the rooms was finished and teachers found suitable for the job, the schools went to work and I told the sovereigns to make them compulsory until you are 18 years old.
After exploring the schools I decided to finally create the military and create military training bases.
I went to my ancestors to inform them that I was taking charge of training the first commanders and soldiers. "gentlemen"
"yes? Is there something wrong?"
"All nations must have people to protect the country from enemy attacks, so I will personally take charge of training the first soldiers of this country"
"Okay, how long do they have to be trained for?"
"two years, there are few people and we don't have any nations close to ours, but at least they will have basic training"
"okay, it seems like a good idea"
"now if you excuse me I'm going to train the country's future soldiers, goodbye"
"goodbye and good luck"
I left and stuck a sheet of paper in front of the government informing the population that they could enlist in the country's army with what you had to do if you wanted to enlist.
I also created the first training base near the capital and waited for future soldiers.
Two days later 81 people arrived, I warned them that the training was not easy and that I would be cruel to make them learn military discipline. 
After days of training he prepares the invasion of Corsica and Sardinia to expand the nation's territory.
I took Corsica easily and then managed to take a large part of Sardinia but to take the other part I needed more men.
I continued to focus more on how people were doing instead of waging war

1800 BC

we took Sardinia and now I was thinking about invading America and Oceania, but my thoughts were interrupted by one of my soldiers who entered my study
"Y/N there are barbarians on the border who call themselves Ligurians who want something we don't understand"
"take me to them"
The soldier took me to the border and there I met the leader of the Ligurians

(Sorry for all the waiting)

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