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it was over. it was finally over.

the horror that had been shibuya was now over.

everything had been settled, well, for now atleast.

yuuji was walking back to where the last remaining survivors of this horrible incident reunited.

he looked and looked, but there was no sign of megumi.

he feared the lurking thought that accompanied him ever since he started walking out of this horrid place.

he saw traces of blood. blood where megumi was supposed to be at.

he feared that... megumi might've died.

he wanted to deny that. he didn't want to think about it even for one second. he didn't know if he could handle seeing another one of his dear friends dead.

all the way back to the school, he looked everywhere for a sign of megumi, but there was none.

he started to slowly lose hope. hope that he somehow got out alive from this mess.

after sukuna left him there somewhere, left for dead, he didn't know what happened to him.

he didn't know if he could've bled to death, or if another curse got to him and...

he shook his head, brushing these thoughts off of his mind, trying to get rid of them.

he finally arrived at the school. he got out of the car, barely managing to stand up. his legs couldn't move, he felt that he couldn't move at all. it was as if he was frozen in place.

he pushed through and made his way towards the door.

he got in and looked for megumi again, hoping he had gotten to the school safely; if he even got out of shibuya in the first place.

his heart started to race as he saw no traces of megumi.

he looked through every hall, every corner, every room. nothing.

he could feel the tears starting to form in his eyes. he could feel as how his heart was getting ripped more and more apart, pushed to its limit. he couldn't handle having to hear the words "megumi fushiguro has died"

he just couldn't.

so he kept on searching. searched and searched.

he went to the dorms, hoping that he was in his room by now.

he knocked, but there was no answer. his heart felt as if it was going to burst. he was starting to feel how he was slowly starting to lose it again.

he had to see nanami, nobara, and many others die. he couldn't handle seeing another one dead. he had been pushed to his limit tonight.

he heard footsteps approach the door, and his heart started to light up with hope again.

the door opened, revealing the black haired boy, megumi.

"i said im fine i don't need any more-" he looked at the person standing in front of him, getting cut off by the shock of seeing yuuji standing in front of him, alive.

"fushiguro...?" yuuji's voice started to break, his expression was so full of relief but also so much pain.


yuuji immediately pulled him into a hug, hugging him as tight as he could.

"you're alive... im so glad you're alive" he started to burst into tears, feeling the warmth of megumi's body, knowing he was alive. it made him so glad. so happy.

"i am. barely anyway" he hugged him back. he wasn't much for hugs, but when it came to yuuji, he couldn't help himself. he always would hug him back whenever he would receive one from him.

"still, you're here. you're alive, fushiguro" he buried his face in the crook of his neck, still crying silently.

"you're alive too. im glad" megumi couldn't help but smile. he was delighted that yuuji had made it out of that mess. he had also feared that he wouldn't of had seen him again, seeing as he was absent when he got taken back to the school.

they both kept on hugging each other. they didn't know for how long, but, it didn't matter. they were glad that the both were able to see each other's faces again. they had feared that the time they parted in shibuya would've been the last time they ever spoke. it was proven to be false though, and that was great.

they stayed there, yuuji crying as megumi comforted him with slight rubs to his head.

it was extremely comforting for them, to just have each other in their arms, feeling each other's bodies, knowing they both made it out of that nightmare alive.

𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘦𝘯𝘥 <3

𝘢𝘭𝘪𝘷𝘦 - 𝘪𝘵𝘢𝘧𝘶𝘴𝘩𝘪Where stories live. Discover now