Chapter 19: He was Running After Him

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(Third person's POV)

Saber and Gusion had arrived at the S.A.B.E.R's facility right when Dr. Wu and his assistants entered, carrying a large safe where he put the Magic Cube in.

"That's the cube. I need to get in there," Saber watched their movement carefully.

"Would Wu tell them that you've betrayed him?" Gusion was thinking of a way to get in.

"No, he's too busy running up to set up the cube. We had to move fast," Saber pointed at Dr. Wu who was walking at a fast pace into the building.

"Do you have a secret passage for me to get in there?" asked Gusion.

"No, but I can bring you in," Saber gave out a fishy smile. Moments later, Gusion was handcuffed and led to the facility by Saber, in which Gusion was not in favor of doing that.

"This will ruin my reputation," Gusion growled, annoyed by how Saber took him like a prisoner.

"You've been like this before by Hanabi," Saber reminded him the first time he was captured.

"I was beaten up after putting up a hard fight, back then," Gusion said.

"We both scratched. Look at you," Saber intentionally pushed him forward with satisfaction in his face.

"Not scratched enough," Gusion growled.

"Shut up! We're close," Saber warned him as they arrived at the front door. Gusion looked naturally annoyed and mad, while Saber was quite hesitant as he thought people there had probably known on whose side he was now.

"Good morning, Regulator! New catch in this early?" an officer greeted him.

"Morning, officer. Yes, we got the Magic Cube as expected," Saber entered the front door with Gusion and took him directly through the elevator. Saber pushed a button up and waited until the door opened, showing a person inside. A common officer whose face was frightened seeing Gusion's scorpion-like figure. They entered the elevator. Gusion noticed the man's fear and teased him.

"Wanna try my venom?" He showed off his sting on his back and just when the door was about to close, the man blocked it and walked out.

"What kind of officer is that?" Saber smirked and shook his head.

"Maybe you have to watch the recruitment system carefully. Seems like it's been corrupted," Gusion said mockingly.

"I've noticed some of that, but that's not part of my job," Saber defended himself. The elevator stopped on the toppest floor it could reach, which was the special facility of S.A.B.E.R. Saber took off the handcuffs and they both sneaked into the facility.

"Where did he take the cube?" Gusion asked as he saw that Wu's lab was empty

"This should be the safest place for him. None of the S.A.B.E.R, but me can enter this lab," Saber said.

"I know that. You don't need to brag about it," said Gusion, he's looking around in case someone's following. "I don't think he brought it here just to put it in a safe place," Gusion said.

"You're right. He has it encrypted. High possibility he'll use it," Saber agreed.

"Wait... no!" Gusion was checking a computer that was left turned on and found something. "He's looking for Dr. Leo. He had spotted him!"

"Why? He had encrypted the cube. Why bother looking for Dr. Leo?" Saber narrowed his eyes, joining Gusion on the computer.

"I don't know, but we had to get there before him. Dr. Leo is very fragile right now and cannot defend himself," Gusion panicked. They ran down towards the elevator. Saber took his handcuffs to do the act, yet Gusion didn't bother him and pushed the elevator button. "I think they already know that we're coming. We saw Wu enter the facility, but he got out immediately. He must've told the officers to act normal, so we can enter and they can stall sometime for him," Gusion explained his suspicion as they entered the elevator.

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