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Well I guess I should tell you a little about myself. I was born in Miami and stayed there with my brother until he passed away. I worshipped him to a point so I really wasn't the same after that. He passed when I was 10 so I've had that demon on my shoulder for a while.

After he passed I stayed with my uncle Jerry Cantrell. He's in a band called Alice In Chains and my brother was close with those guys so I got close to them as well. I was always closer to Jerry though and he taught me to play guitar. Apparently I'm gifted with Music whether it's vocals or guitar which is pretty cool i guess. Well I dealt with death and stuff so much that I just learned to distance myself. Pretty much everybody is left at arms length. Pretty much everybody anyway. Really people know what I want them to know. Nothing more. I have alotta problems emotionally with like anxiety and depression, stuff like that.

I use wrestling and like singing to cope but sometimes it's just not enough. After I turned like 16 I started using drugs to cope with things when wrestling didn't work. You can ask my buddy Alex but I really got bad for a while. I used to really stick to myself a lot. When I worked for WWE I was around either Drew, Liv, or Alex. Other then them and my family, I stayed as far away from people as remotely possible. After Ronda Rousey beat Liv at extreme rules I told Hunter to let me go. I told him Simply put you let me go or I swear if she comes near me or says something that I deem disrespectful I'll cut a promo on her so bad she'll quit again. I didn't care who was around either. So I was let go within the week. I worked for the NWA for a little bit before realizing Billy Corgan is a fucking tool box. I did a few shots for MLW before Enzo pissed me off. I had to stop working for them because if I didn't...I was gonna hurt that little bastard.

Tony Kahn offered me a deal. The only condition I had was keep Big Bill as far away from me as physically possible without making one of us get on a boat. I signed there and started in Ring of Honor which I love because Uncle Mark and Uncle Jay were there. I was always really close to them so when Jay passed, I took it really hard. When I was working for vince I was getting drug tested so that and having Liv around really helped but now that's not the case so I been slipping. Ever since I been trying to make myself pretty much invisible. I don't really talk to anybody and don't really wanna be talked to. Alex when he heard about Jay passing away knew I was in trouble so he asked for his release. When I first saw him after he got released, I smacked him in the back of the head. Dude had a huge push coming but he decided not to stick around for it. I told him I'd be fine but he just didn't trust it which I love him for but still jesus christ. Him and Uncle Mark have really been helping me alot but I'm still really quiet and kinda withdrawn. With all that being said, Somethings in the air. SomeTHING or someONE might just be able to take the work load off them a bit.

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