☆ Chapter One

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A/N: btw Chuuya has grey eyes in this story just like in the manga, and unlike the anime where Chuuya has blue eyes so yeah


It has been nine months, and Chuuya gave birth to a young baby boy. He had given the kid the name "Touma". He had spent around two years of taking care of his kid with the help of Kouyou and Mori, and then started to assassinate once more. Although, it was only once a month, since Mori didn't want the kid to have an absent father. The Akutagawa Siblings were always the babysitters once Chuuya went out on his missions, becoming the somewhat older siblings for little Touma. Thus, making him grow a small attachment to them.

Another two years had passed, and Touma was now four years old. The boy had brown hair that was styled in a tiny low ponytail, and eyes that were a bright grey. He had normally wore a white shirt with ruffles at the ends of the sleeves and a dark red overalls that laid on top of them. Black pants has covered his legs, along with black leather shoes that matched them. To top it all off, he had a necklace that whas the color of his dad's hair color.

In the present time, around noon, Touma was helping Gin make some sandwiches, while Akutagawa was cooking something up. They planned on having a picnic at the park that day since Chuuya was out on a mission, and won't be home until around midnight. The siblings finds it better to have a picnic with Touma to pass the time, the two hoped that nothing would go wrong.

Akutagawa finished cooking and packed everything up inside a picnic basket, putting in other necessary things such as some medicine in case something does go wrong. He grabs the basket and waits for Gin to finish helping Touma with tying his shoes, and as soon as they were done they sets off to the park. They stopped from time to time as Gin kept getting distracted by every stray cats they walk by, and also because Akutagawa kept on scolding Gin for stopping them which is making their walk to the park a bit longer than it should've been.

After what felt like and eternity for Touma, they arrived at a park. They sat down on a picnic bench that was under a tree and started to unload everything out of the picnic basket; careful enough to not accidentally drop any of the food. Soon enough, they started to eat. The trio told stories on how their month has been, which had filled the awkward silence of people chewing.

Touma gazes to the playground that was near where they sat, and looked up at Akutagawa with pleading eyes. "Akutagawa-nii, can I play? Food is finished!" He begged, clasping his hands together.

"..Its best if you let him. He never had a lot of time playing outside, you know?" Gin suggested, finishing her sandwich in her hands.

Akutagawa sighs as he fought the urge to roll his eyes, "Fine. Gin will keep watch of you while you do so" He continued on taking small bites of his own sandwich, in which Gin reacted with a small squeak.

".. Does it have to be me?" Gin tilted her head as she took a sip from a water bottle they brought along with them, eyeing her brother as she wanted to stay in the shade and not get bombarded with children yelling and screaming.

Akutagawa avoided Gin's gaze. "I'm still not finished with my food." He explained. Gin grumbled at her brother's response, but didn't argue back. Akutagawa was hard to deal with, and thus she just stood up.

"Fine.. Anyways, let's go, Touma!" She called out, handing out a hand in which the kid stood up and ran to hold.

Gin let goes of Touma's hand as the four-year-old immediately went inside one of the playground houses. Gin looks around the place and sat on the nearest bench, where she had a good view of Touma playing pretend as a cook.

Touma grabbed a cheff hat and started to pretend making some pizzas. Some other kids would come up to him and pretend to order other foods, which was quite overwhelming for Touma. Luckily, a girl around his age began playing as a cook as well. And so, the brunette secretly ran out of the small toy restaurant and left all the work to the little girl.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jan 12 ⏰

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