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literally that cat is named snax and is the cutest thing ever but speaking of cute things my friend mya is amazing and beautiful af go read "faking it" or "disney" theyre both amazing stories and nice ugh


Johanna POV

Luke and I sat there in my hospital room talking. I am so happy I accidentally called his number because he's hot as shit. So are his friends. Luke is telling me stories and theyre all really funny.

Thats when someone called Luke.

"Oi mate are you here yet?" I laughed. Most would go for the polite hello not shouting oi into the phone.


He then hangs up.

"Mate you can not fuck someone in a hospital! Its probably rude. The doctors will think someone is in pain or something. It wouldnt end well." Is all I hear before three boys barge in. I think Michael was talking to Calum, because Michael was turning around from facing a frowning Calum, putting his hands down. Okay then.

"Okay wait you're the person who beat up Clark, did he do this to you?" Michael asked.

"No, I wasn't watching where I was going, not that I coukd see that well anyways, but I was crossing the road and I was on the phone with Luke and a car hit me." As soon as I said it, I sounded like weirdly powerful. Maybe too casual

"You got hit by a car and you're fine?" One asks

"Mhm, I mean I have a concussion and a gnarly ass bruise on my right leg. Wanna see it?" I ask him

"Yeah!" He giggles

I yanked the covers off and pulled up my hospital gown some. Well a lot, it was really close to my hip. At least I wore my cute lacey black panties today so if anything happens, I will be okay.

"Holy shit." We say at the same time

He looks confused "I haven't even seen it yet." I say with a giggle. He nods his head.

"Well, you need to watch where you're going." The guy whose name begins with an A says.

"Or I need to be able to see when I walk into streets."

"Why couldn't you see?"

"Um you know water." I say panicked. They can't know I was crying over an ex boyfriend I beat up!

"Mate she was crying because Clark tried to fuck her but she was like no of course and then he fucked with her but like mentally and she accidentally called me instead of her friend Beth and I was like What and she hung up but she called back and we talked and she was walking around and then bam car and I was like what because she wasn't answering and then I got a call and it was paramedics saying she got hit so I got in here right away by saying I was her fiancé" Luke said with a shrug

"What the fuck." Calum says

"same." I agree "Wait I am not even 18 and I am engaged? Hah fuck you mom." I say jokingly

They laugh

"Can I lay down? I'm tired." Calum says

"Sure." I pat the bed next to me

"That's no fair!" Luke pouted

"I have two sides of the bed to share." I patted the other side of the bed.

Michael then lays across the end of the bed.

"You really beat up Clark? Mr. Football?"

I giggled at the memory and looked at Calum "Yeah. Okay everyone scoot closer to me I am cold and this hospital gown is very.. breezy." I say

"If you wanted a group cuddle you could have just asked instead of making excuses." Calum said, scooting closer.

I laughed. I snapped my fingers and said "Darn, you caught me. How could I ever resist your Australian charm?"

"You're Australian." Luke said

"Shut up." I said

"Make me." He challenged

"Oh my god no. How dare you go fuckboy on me. Get off my bed Ashton come take Luke's spot." I say scooting closer to Calum.

"You can't be serious." Luke said

"Fuckboys are no joking matter. Plus I am yet to talk to Ashton." I say

He stands up and Ashton walks over and sits down.

"Lay down dummy." Ashton then chuckles and lies down

"You're something else."

"I know. Oh! Shark Week! Yes." I say, stopping my channel surfing, happy with Shark Week on Discovery Channel.

"I love shark week!" Calum says

I high five him.

After a while, I fell asleep with Michael on the edge of the bed, Ashton on one side of me and Calum on the other, both of them with their arms around my waist (but Calum put his arm on me first) and Luke lying on the floor. I had thrown him a pillow earlier. Did I just make friends?

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