The beginning

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Inko POV :
I'm coming back home after buying groceries but on my way home I hear a child whimpering when inspecting the origin I see the child his apparence resembling a human with insects traits like those horns shaped like a crown his white elegant cloak  dirtied by dust and muddy water. Why is he here all alone ? Why is he crying ? So many questions flooded my mind so I decided to do the right thing I approached him slowly my steps loud enough to be heard. As I did so he snapped his head in my direction.
"Inko : It's okay I won't hurt you, tell me why are you crying ?"

The child seemed very wary of me but soon relax as he see my expression and finally spoke up.
"??? : I had to run away... They were abusive to me physically and morally treating of being a freak because of my wyrm traits..." He said with a shaky voice.
I feel sorry and sad for his situation and extend my hand for him to grab it
"Inko : Then come with me I have a quirkless son would you like to be his friend ?" He look at me as if he was dreaming before going to grab my hand and I get to see his hand, five fingers but more insectoid. It did disturbed me but shook it off and grabbed it and lifted him up
"Inko : So... what's your name ?"
"Inko : Let's go home then Y/N" I said smiling as I lead him home as he nod his head
"Inko : How old are you ?"
"Y/N : Four and one month old"
"Inko : Then you'll be a big brother Izuku is only 4" He seem to get excited by what I said.

Timeskip to the house brought to you by Y/N imaginating himself pampering his soon to be little brother while still having no idea how Izuku look like.

We got home, sorted out my groceries and brought Y/N in the bathroom and washed the filth off his cloak and his body, while doing so I found a weird marking on most of his extremisms and asked him what it was, but he only know that he alway had those.

A/n : you guys probably figured out but if you didn't then spoiler alert it's the King's brand but anyway back to the story.

Soon came the time Izuku would come back from school but what I didn't expected was the state he would come back...

I heard the door opening and skipped to it to finally meet my new little brother but he was injured, his uniform burned and was crying I rushed to him and healed him, when I wasn't being abused I was training myself all alone and found out that I can create and manipulate an energy that I called SOUL I produce it overtime but I'm limited in the quantity I can store, that what I used to heal Izuku to both Miss.Inko's and Izuku's shock and amazement as I look at them back and forth to my confusion.
"Y/N : What ?"
Izuku shout in amazement and excitement.
"Y/N : It's my quirk Pale king it allow me to use SOUL energy to do multiples things on top of being able to summons blades that I call pure nails they are very sharps and resistant and manipulate them from great distances and finally my body my body create that shell armor that become harder the more damages it sustain and gain resistance to elements too"
"Izuku : IT'S SO STRONG IT'S AMAZING !!!"Izuku said taking notes.
"Inko : By the way this is Y/N he will be living with us and will be your big brother."
At that moment I wasn't able to hold myself back and hugged my little brother swearing to myself that I would protect and teach him.

Timeskip to tommorrow brought to you by Y/N and Izuku playing heroes together

"Teacher : We have a new classmate everyone, introduce yourself"
"Y/N : Hello my name is Y/N Midoriya nice to meet you all my quirk give me this shell on top of summoning blades and manipulate energy."
At that many gossiped and were most likely surprised by my quirk and I were assigned a seat right behind Izuku, much to my happiness but I noticed someone glaring at me, ash blond hair, red eyes and with just my eyes I could tell he had one massive ego.
After the bell rang many classmates wanted to befriend me but I refuse not to my little brother bullies so I rejected them and then came katsuki bakugo his name is the egocentric who injured Izuku yesterday.
"Katsuki : Oi you extra don't go think you better then me !"
"Y/N : I already hate you so leave now or don't force me to do it myself" I said glaring back at him.
He suddently strike me with one of his explosion but my armor isn't even dented.
"Y/N : Weak"
I reel a punch aiming his head but stop to a inch away of his face enough to intimidate him.
"Y/N : Anyone who bully my little brother will regret it from now on now SCRAM !!!"
My intimidation worked and we never got bothered anymore

Timeskip to the sludge incident
Years passed since and both myself and have been training I coached him for body musculation and have yet to train him to fight however when walking home Izuku got attacked by a sludge villain I tried to push it off but then All Might came and defeated the villain I went to Izuku's side and checked his breathing and was relieved that he was breathing normally and then called for All Might, to ask for his autograph for Izuku and immediately left, leaving me alone, Izuku woke up and told him he now had an autograph of All might to his joy we resumed our walk and saw some commotion going on and saw the same sludge villain trying to take control of katsuki, before I could react Izuku ran to bakugo and in those moments All might reappears and save them both, after some scolding and a weird talk with bakugo later on All might came to us.
Altought stuttering Izuku managed to introduce himself
And then puffed in smoke before becoming a living skeleton to our shock
Timeskip because it doesn't change Y/N just witness everything

After all that talk All might will now train Izuku so I'll trust him but now start 10 months of more intense training

And that the end of the chapter dear readers,
I want your opinion guys on the story so far might have made Y/N OP sorry if you dont like it but that how strong I imagine the Pale King to be,
by the time you read this chapter I'll be waiting for your approval
Have a wonderful time !

The Pale King Hero(MHA X PaleKing!Reader) (Under Adoption)Where stories live. Discover now