You Are Not Alone: Samatha aka Yavannafan

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Idk why but I had the feeling I could write a song about dealing with childhood trauma by myself and yeah this time it isn't as depressing as the last few songs. 

(After writing: the song literally made me cry. I managed to make myself cry. I wrote this song to someone who never understood what she is worth)

Here it is:

Hey lil girl 

I know you're not doing well

I know it's all you left behind that's breaking over you right now

But just remember you'll never be alone again

Youve screamed your soul out

Cried louder for help than they could imagine

The horrendous thoughts fucked up your heart

But still you stood up every time

Just remember 

You are not alone

There are so many people out there

You matter to them,

You are not alone

You will never loose us anymore

We will always be there for you

You are not alone

Maybe I can't help you right now

Maybe I can't make you feel better

They must be deaf not having heard your screams when you needed them

Now it's too late and for you it's working

Dealing with everything alone

Just remember

You are not alone

There are so many people out there

You matter to them,

You are not alone

You will never loose us anymore

We will always be there for you

You are not alone

Even though everything is fucked up you're still smiling the brightest

Giving the wisest advices

Helping others through their shit while yours is laying on your desk as work that is not done

Outside the cutest sweetheart ever met

Inside a broke chaos hidden behind pain

Just remember

You are not alone

There are so many people out there

You matter to them,

You are not alone

You will never loose us anymore

We will always be there for you

You are not alone

Nowadays it hasn't got better

Maybe even worse

It has got harder to keep the smile up

Caffeine, Taurine and Alcohol keep us workin

15 years on this fucked up earth 

and already broken from the inside

Therapy for nine years but everything has become a lie

Not telling anyone how I feel except people I don't even know

People from maybe even different countries I haven't ever met

I've been heard

I've found all the souls I've always searched for

Lil girl you're my past me

You've reached most of your goals

You're a musician, starting but already pretty good

You have good grades on an elite school

You're an author and write kinda good stories

You've found people who accept you the way you are

You've become a beautiful young woman even though you don't see it yourself

Honey, I promise you one thing

You are not alone

There are so many people out there

You matter to them,

You are not alone

You will never loose us anymore

We will always be there for you

You are not alone

And you won't ever be again

There will always be someone besides you

I believe in you

Just keep on doing

And Just remember

You are not alone

There are so many people out there

You matter to them,

You are not alone

You will never loose us anymore

We will always be there for you

You are not alone

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