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(This is Kiyone, not Kiyo)

Equality and shit yadayadayada.

I spy with my little eye, 2 sexy girls who I'd love to touch their boobs. But that's a bit lesbian and I think they'd run away from me if I tried.

Well, that doesn't mean I can't become friends with them and fantasise over their boobs whilst they aren't looking.

I'm actually pretty darn smart.

That's obvious because of the white room but like- no one knows about that cause it's a top secret government facility.

Wait... who am I even talking to? Myself. I mean- I have been for my whole life.

That's kind of psychotic huh.. maybe I should've taken Matsuos idea of getting a therapist.

Nah. I'm a strong independent woman. I don't need no therapist.

I saw an old woman walk on the bus.

Do I give up my seat... absolutely fucking not.

I need my precious energy to survive another day. But then again... I could make all the boys fall in love with me if I flash them an innocent smile after miraculously saving the day.

I waited and waited and waited until I saw a girl about to help *cough* one with massive tits *cough* and decided to intervene.

"Miss, you can have my seat, we wouldn't want you standing up on this packed bus." I said. NICELY. And then gave her a bright smile.

She gave me a sweet and then I smiled loudly as I stood up. Once the bus started moving I 'accidentally' stumbled and fell on top of a guy in a seat.

"Oh I'm sorry! I'm just so clumsy~!" I said, "What's your name?"

"Uhh..." He gulped, "I-Ike Kanji.." He said shy. Definitely a pervert. His dick is already stiff underneath me.

"Do you mind if I stay here?" I said with an innocent look on my face, "I think I might fall over again because of my clumsiness..."

He scratched the back of his head, "Yeah aha sure." He said, tryna act cool whilst having the biggest erection underneath me.

"Thankyou~!" I exclaimed brightly, kissing him on the cheek as gratitude. He's gonna brag about this moment for his whole life.

I kept adjusting myself on his lap causing his erection to grow bigger. Afterall, I was wearing a short skirt and a shirt two sizes too small that made my boobs look bigger than how big they are already.

"Uhm- what class are you in?" he asked.

"Class 1-D what about you Ike-kun~~."

"Aha, same,"

Before we could continue the conversation, the bus stopped at our stop so I got off of him and walked off quickly just after blowing him a kiss and mouthing 'see you soon'.

"Hey you!" Now this bitch better not be talking to me with an attitude.

I turned around, "Me?"

Oh shit. Her long black hair with her sharp crimson eyes and her perfect boobs. Mmmm she was a godess.

"Yes you." Attitude or not, she was hot. Amen.

"Why did you give up your seat?"

"Because I felt like it, can I ask you a question?"

She raised her eyebrow and nodded.

"Did you fall from heaven..?"


"Cause you're an Angel."

Her face flustered red and she walked off. I hope she's in my class.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 24, 2023 ⏰

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