Iwaizumi Hajime

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"Iwa!" Oikawa called cheerfully while pulling [Name] along behind him. She was stumbling and panting and her face red.

She tried to pull away, but seemed relieved when they stopped. "Please Tooru, I don't feel good. Don't make me run around like that."

Iwaizumi smacked the back of Oikawa's head, sighing as he looked the girl over. She didn't look so well and concern fell over him as he stepped towards her. He lifted her head up and pressed his forehead against her own. She didn't try to pull away or even yell at him. "You're burning up, why didn't you stay home?"

When he moved back, she didn't speak and her eyes closed, her breathing heavily. She started walking towards the school and the two boys grabbed her arms, holding her back.

"Whoa, she really is sick." Oikawa said, looking to his friend.

Iwaizumi sighed and nodded, letting go of her as she stood up on her own. "Go to the infirmary and let the nurse know I'm bringing ______."

He nodded and left, leaving them alone. She just stood there, her eyes closed again. "Hajime." His eyes widened and he quickly looked to her, but she wasn't moving. She suddenly fell against him and he sighed as he held her, managing to put her on his back and carry her.

Oikawa was gone when he arrived and the nurse helped him set her on the bed. She then ran off, leaving him to watch over her. Sighing, he fixed her hair, pushing it away from her sweat covered face and neck.

"Hajime..." She called again, reaching out and gripping the front of his uniform. His face grew hot and he looked away, lightly touching her hand. "Tooru is an idiot."

He chuckled softly and nodded although he knew she didn't see him do it. "Yes, he is.

Yet, when he looked back, her eyes were gazing at him, even if a little disoriented. "Thank you for always taking care of me." She let go of his jacket and sighed, rolling on her side facing away from him. "I've always liked you, Iwa."

Iwaizumi slowly turned to her, unsure if he heard her right or if she was actually aware of what she said. He moved forward slowly and a smile formed from her lips as she turned on her back. He was about an inch away from her lips, his heart pounding rapidly with excitement. His hand played with her hair and just before he was about to kiss her-

"_____! Iwa!"

Oikawa slammed the door open and barged in. He payed no attention to their irritated expressions and sat down with an ice pack on her forehead.

Iwaizumi stood up and grabbed her hand. "Have the nurse call your parents and rest when you get home." He left, pulling a reluctant Oikawa with him. "You idiot."

"What? Did I do something?"

He ignored him and thought about what would have happened if his friend hadn't entered then. He stopped and sighed, closing his eyes. Next time, he'll definitely make sure they were completely alone.

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