Azumane Asahi

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This is lame sorry.
She was alone in the school, finishing up her club preparations. It was like every time she stayed after so she felt nothing as she walked down the hall, carrying a box with her. The sun had gone down and they'd be turning off the lights soon, so she needed to finish up quickly. The door was opened as she arrived to the storage room, and she quickly set the box down, and left in a hurry.

As she was walking back to get her bag, the lights flickered for a moment. She froze and her eyes widened. No, not this. Suddenly, the lights shut off and the darkness blocked her vision. A loud clatter behind her down the hall startled her and she screamed and dropped down. Her body shook and she tried not to cry.

There was another scream and she pushed against the wall, her heart beating out of control in fear. She started to run in panic but only ended in her crashing against something and falling down.


She froze while sitting atop the person. "W-Who is it?"

"Azumane Asahi, please don't kill me!!"

Relief rushed over her at the name of her crush and the sound of his voice, and she hugged him tightly. He stiffened and stuttered as he tried to speak. "Oh thank god, it's just you. I was so scared."

His hands lightly grasped her arms and he sat up, her still hugging him. "______? You were the one screaming? What happened?"

She pulled away quickly wiping her eyes. "I heard a noise, behind me." He tensed up and he tried to get up and take her with him. She remembered that he was scared of a lot of things and she found it hard to rely on him. "Azumane..."

"Come on, let's go, quickly." He pulled her along and together they made it to the classroom.

With the help of the moon light, she found her desk and grabbed her bag. She turned around and headed back when she ran into a desk. She hissed in pain and sighed heavily. Looking up, she could see his concerned expression in the dim light.

"Does it hurt?" Azumane took her bag and turned around, crouching down. He grabbed her legs and pulled her against his back. She wrapping her arms around him and he stood, moving back out into the hall. "I'll get us out of here."

Her heart sped up and she couldn't breathe. He's so perfect! She laid her head against his shoulder, her face burning hot. She gripped his jacket and closed her eyes, feeling safe and warm with him. Sleep was slowly creeping up on her, but she was suddenly awoken when a breeze hit her. They were outside and walking down the street, passing by Ukai's store. "What..?"

"We're almost there."

"I can walk now..." She felt embarrassed and he slowly put her down but kept her bag. They walked side by side and she kept glancing over at him. "Um.. Azumane." He looked over and she grabbed the sleeve of his jacket. "Thank you." He smiled cheekily and rubbed the back of his neck, slowly taking her hand.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2015 ⏰

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