Aone Takanobu

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"Oh my gosh, _______! You've got a boyfriend?" "If he's your boyfriend, he must be pretty hot right?" "What is he like?" "Can we meet him?" "Since when did you start dating?"

All of her friends were crowding around, asking her things all at once. Of course, she couldn't answer them right away. "He's on the volleyball team.. Maybe you know him?"

"Eeeh?!" All of them shouted. One of them spoke up before the others. "I don't know any boys on the volleyball team."

Since attending Datekou, she never really thought about dating or boys like her friends. She just went on with her day and did her school work. Yet, she chanced upon a tall boy who had a harden expression, but a kind heart. He had helped her up after she fell. Although he didn't talk much, she wanted to get close to him.

She watched his practices and talked with him about whatever. Occasionally he'd respond, but other than that, he just listened. They started going home together and she had eventually mustered the courage to ask him to be hers.

"Maybe Kamasaki?" Another girl asked suddenly.

[Name] laughed and shook her head. "No, not him."

"He's the only one I know on the volleyball team."

"Just tell us who it is!"

She giggled and stepped back, bumping into someone's chest. The girls' expressions all turned frightened and they grew fearful, trying to drag her back. She turned around to face Aone Takanobu and Futakuchi Kenji.

"Aone!" She grinned and felt her face heat up. He stared down at her and then at her friends.

"Oh _____! Are these friends of yours?" Futakuchi asked and leaned forward, smiling.

She nodded and turned around, absentmindedly lightly touching Aone's sleeve. "Everyone, this is Futakuchi and Aone. They are on the volleyball team." She was proud to show off her new boyfriend to her friends, yet they were shocked and showing disbelief.

They suddenly came up with an excuse to leave, hurrying away together, leaving her speechless. She frowned and looked up at Aone, forcing a smile. "They're shy, that's all."

Although her boyfriend was showing her concern, she shook it away and pulled him along, apologizing to Futakuchi and leaving him behind. The two walked together in silence, and she stressed over her friends reactions. How did Aone take that? Is he upset with her? She clutched her bag strap and sighed.


She glanced up at Aone in surprise. His cheeks were showing a slight tint of pink but he never looked away from her. He gave her a look as if to say, 'it's okay'.

As they walked to the train station together, she reached out and took his hand. "Is this okay?" Yet he didn't speak, but his fingers slowly tightened around her own. Her heart pounded and she couldn't help the burn of her face or the smile.

Entering the train, they sat next to each other, their hands held tightly together and faces glowing with nervousness. She just stared down at their hands, feeling the warmth from Aone beside her and the joy of being with him. His stiff body didn't dare to move, and she unconsciously leaned against him. It would be a long train ride.

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