Man on the Moon

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You go back to where five is parked.

"Hey, Five. Anything happened yet?" five is looking out the window, he grabs your hand and teleports inside of a car. Lance goes inside of the car

"Oh, jesus!" he says. you are in the back seat and his puppy goes on your lap. Five puts his knife up to Lance's neck.

"Aw! Puppy!" you pet the puppy

"One chance. That's all you've got. One chance to tell me exactly what's going on in that lab." five threatens

"I... I manufacture prosthetic devices for fake patients. I bill the insurance companies and then sell them for cash on the black market." lance replies scared

"Including eyeballs?"

"Yeah, they're my biggest seller. I mean, they sell like hotcakes. I-- I've got a list, a waiting list, probably 20 buyers."

"So, the serial number I told you..."

"Uh, could've already been bought. Yes, off-- off the books." Lance says and five sighs still holding the knife to Lance's throat.

"I needed that list, Lance. Names and numbers, and I need it now!"

"I don't have it. I mean, not on me. The only copy's in my safe at the lab."

"Well, you start the car, then. 'Cause we're going on a field trip." five said in an intimidating tone

"Okay." Lance says sounding scared

"Now." Lance starts the car, five looks at the back seat to see you playing with the puppy, he sighs and looks back at the front of the car


You, Lance, and five get out of the car and see a lot of smoke, five grabs your hand and starts running. He sees the building on fire, you gasp and start coughing, you see and hear glass shattering which means it's about to explode. Five lets go of your hand and starts running towards the building.

"Five!" You yell out, you lost him once before, you couldn't lose him again. You start running towards him, you grab his wrist and go in front of him and the building immediately explodes, causing you and five to go flying backwards. You groan while sitting up, you see five sitting up staring at the building, he has cuts and bruises on his knees but no burns. You sigh, then you look at the building, you start coughing, you realize you were inhaling the smoke when you inhaled to make sure you could breathe because it was a nasty fall. Five looks at you to make sure you were okay. Honestly, you weren't even sure if you were, you didn't check yourself, only five because you were worried about him. You had ashes on your face and some cuts on your face and body, you were more cut up than five because right before the building exploded you went in front of him but you weren't hurt too badly, but you probably inhaled some smoke. Five immediately kneeled in front of you and put his hands on your cheeks to check both sides of your face to make sure you weren't hurt.

"I'm fine, five." you say

"Yeah, well last time you said that you had been shot, so I'm not taking your word for it." he replies

"Fair enough. Are you alright?"

"Yeah, you kinda went in front of me, in fact, you might be burned, let me see." he said concerned

"It barely touched me..."

"Yeah, but it still did, didn't it?"

"Well--" you hesitated

"That's what I thought." five checks your arms

"Your arm is kinda burned but barely, it's not that bad, it should feel like you accidently touched glue from a hot glue gun, so it's gonna hurt but it won't last long." he says

(Not a very fun fact, but I burned myself with a hot glue gun today and it left a painful mark, it's always the small looking injuries that hurt the most)

"Okay, Thanks." You look in his eyes and back at the building

"Shit." five sighs looking at the building "Want a drink?" he asks and you nod. You and Five go to the library and start drinking, you both laugh for no reason

"Hey, Five, how does it feel to have...two, famous sisters." five and you both laugh as you ask that

"It feels completely ordinary. I still can't believe you're a model, you have the looks, but you're too smart, you could be anything you want." five laughs

"Hey! Modeling is so fun, and you just called me pretty!"

"No I didn't."

"Yes you did! You said I had the looks to be a model! Tell me Five...if I looked older, let's say five years older...would I have the looks to be a stripper?" you laugh

"Why would you ask that?" he laughs

"Well they're so pretty and if you say yes that means you think I'm pretty!" you laugh

"You are not pretty, shut your mouth." five mutters

"That's just hurtful Five, but I know you're wrong, I am ravishing, stunning, gorgeous." You laugh

"Doesn't matter whether you're pretty or not." he says

"Okay, okay, whatever, but you're pretty handsome, just saying." You laugh and five look at you and smile.

"Why did we always compete when we were kids." he asks

"I don't know, it's completely my fault though, people say I have a tendency to hate or be rude to something or someone who makes me feel vulnerable, when you left I was a cold hearted bitch because I felt vulnerable and angry, and with you, you were different and you made me feel vulnerable so I was rude to you, the only thing is that you were rude back." you and five both laugh.

"You are really pretty." five says as he leans his head on you and you chuckle.

"You too, you're so handsome." you put your head on five's head which is leaning on you, you black out after saying that. Suddenly you wake up in diego's arms and hear them talking

"Protect me. I don't need your protection, Diego. Do you have any idea how many people I've killed?" you hear five say

"No." diego says

"I'm the Four frickin' Horsemen." you laugh and Five looks at you and smiles

"Look who's awake." diego says

"Doesn't five have pretty eyes, diego?" you ask him

"That's weird, I'm not answering that."

"I'll answer it for you then, he does, pretty green eyes." you say before you black out again. 



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From Rivals to Romance: Y/N and Five Hargreeves (Season 1 book 1)Where stories live. Discover now