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Ch. 5: Dallas

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The local coffee shop is more crowded than I expected for a Wednesday evening.

Sipping from my cold brew, I look around. Fidgeting with my fingers, I anxiously take note of every peer I recognize from school.

I make eye contact with a girl I recognize. I look away quickly, tapping on my phone screen to reveal the time.

Exhaling an annoyed breath, my foot taps nervously. Leaving track practice, I realized I had a direct message from Amara. She left a message that sent my mind spiraling.

At her party, I hadn't shared my plan to win our exes back quite the way I'd wanted to. Nerves, alcohol, and the fact that I word-vomited I was already seeing her to Shelby made me forget most of what I said to Amara.

I didn't hear from Amara over the weekend, which I assume means she still isn't interested. She'd made that very clear at the party.

No doubt, Amara will want to steer clear of me for good now. I didn't even see her at school today.

When she messaged me, I planned to ignore her. What could she possibly want to talk about?

Yet the entire drive home I couldn't stop wondering if Amara had a change of heart. Maybe she did want to turn my crazy scheme into a reality. At the very least, she hadn't told Shelby, Jayden, or the rest of the world that I was lying.

If she had, I'd be trending on Sunset Scandals.

It didn't help matters that this afternoon's track practice had been hell. Having to be around Shelby practically killed me.

So curiosity and rage over the events of the day ended up getting the best of me. I responded to Amara's message, and she told me to meet at the local coffee shop around five. She refused to say why.

Nerves leave my fingertips drumming atop the table as I wonder what Amara wants to discuss. Could her wanting to talk mean she changed her mind about my plan? Or is she going to call me out for lying?

Knowing I'm now at the mercy of my worst enemy leaves my stomach churning.

It's past five and I've yet to hear anything else from Amara. Just as I wonder if she's even going to show, the bell hanging over the door rings.

I look up and instantly feel relief at the sight of Amara.

I don't believe I've ever witnessed Amara Singh a mess. Even now, she appears perfectly put together. She has always been effortlessly pretty.

Comparing myself to her, I only feel worse about everything that has happened. Losing Shelby has really taken a toll on my wellbeing. I'm certain this shows in my appearance.

Amara's dark brown stare leaves me nervous. I clear my throat as she settles into her seat.

"Did you want me to take your order?" I ask awkwardly. "I don't mind waiting in line—"

"I'm okay," Amara interrupts coldly. Her expression is neutral, stare determined. I sink down a little lower in my seat.

We sit in silence for what may be seconds, but feels like hours. Jittery, I scratch at the back of my neck and ask, "So, why'd you wanna meet here?"

Amara takes a moment before answering. I eye her as she surveys the scene around us before finally returning her dark eyes to mine.

"I've been thinking a lot about what you said at my party," she admits bluntly.

My cheeks flush. Without the liquid courage I had that night, talking to Amara about my scheme suddenly feels difficult.

Stuttering, I manage to say, "I'll be honest, I definitely had way too much to drink that night and I was all in my feelings about . . . Anyway, it was stupid to lie to Shelby and a stupid thing to rope you into. I probably should have never said it. And I'm sorry if I—"

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