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Ch. 4: Amara

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"I'm sorry, but this is actually crazy. No, I can't do it."

Dallas stiffens. Her features fall slack.

It's as if, when creating this plan, she failed to consider the possibility of me saying no.

I would never date Dallas Cooper under any circumstance.

Besides, it's not like I'll need any help getting Jayden back. And I'm definitely not desperate enough to pretend to date my worst enemy to do so.

Opening her mouth as if to argue, Dallas is quickly cut off by the sound of banging on the door. I shoot Dallas a warning look before reaching for the handle, opening the door to reveal Willow.

Peeking into the room, Willow's expression turns curious as her gaze lands on Dallas.

"Zuri and I have been looking for you everywhere," Willow whispers. She cuts another glance at Dallas before facing me with concern. "Are you okay?"

At my side, Dallas clears her throat. She takes a step toward the exit, as if Willow's appearance is her cue to leave.

"Please just . . . think about it, okay?" Dallas murmurs. Her voice and the stare she shoots me are both laced with desperation. As she wanders off, my gaze follows until she disappears into the crowd.

"What was that about?" Willow asks once we're alone. "What are you doing in your laundry room with Dallas Cooper? Did I miss something?"

Turning to Willow, I offer a tight smile. "Don't worry about it. It's nothing."

Willow laughs softly, shaking her head. "If anyone else had caught you two together, you'd already be the talk of the school."

Willow's words bring me to a halt. There's no way I'd consider changing my mind about Dallas's plan, but I have to admit that Willow has a point.

"We would, wouldn't we?"

Willow's stare intensifies. Tilting her head, she asks gently, "Are you sure you're okay?"

The conflict flooding my veins after speaking with Dallas must be evident in my expression. Shaking my head, I murmur, "I'm fine. I just need a drink."

Willow nods. "I'll go find Zuri and we'll meet you in the kitchen, okay?"

Watching as Willow's blonde head becomes a blur amongst the crowd, I pivot. After what Dallas just sprung on me, I definitely need alcohol to ease my thoughts.

"I mean, it can't be true, can it?" I catch wind of a girl a few feet to my right saying.

"Of course not," her friend responds. "They hate each other."

"But I heard Dallas talking to Shelby and she said she was—"

Eavesdropping on the girls' conversation, the blood in my veins turns to lead. Acting without thinking, I whirl on my heel and snap, "You heard what?"

The dark-haired girl I've just spoken to recoils. Her eyes widen as she rushes to say, "Nothing! Just a rumor that you've been hanging out with Dallas Cooper. Which I'm sure isn't—"

The girl rambles on, though my mind lingers on the information I've just gathered. Dallas was overheard telling her ex that she's been seeing me? As in, she's already started telling people we're together, despite the fact that I declined to be part of her plan?

Fury leaves my hands shaking at my sides. Opening my mouth to respond, I'm cut off by the last thing I'm expecting.

The sound of Jayden calling my name.

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