Chapter 2: The Hogwarts Express

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Quinn sat down next to her suitcase which was out by the door.

"Dads we are going to be late!" She shouted from the front door.

"Hold on we just need to find the camera!" Sirius called back.

"Why?" Quinn asked in a huff because she didn't want to miss the train.

"To get a first day of fourth year photo!" Remus hollered back.

"Alright make it quick then!" Quinn said while she began fixing her hair for the camera.

"Here!" said Sirius as he ran down the stairs holding the camera to capture this moment.

"Ok 1..2..3!" Remus said as the camera flashed and Quinn smiled bright. 

"Your growing up so fast!" Sirius said tearfully.

"Don't be dramatic Sirius. Next year it'll be her fifth. Then you can cry like a baby" Remus joked.

"Please don't embarrass me at the train station." Quinn said in a pleading tone. 

"Did you hear that Remus? We embarrass her now! Where have the innocent years gone?" Sirius said  expressively.

"Oh stop it with the dramatics Siri!" Remus said while playfully hitting his husband on the shoulder.

"We won't embarrass you. We swear" Remus said reassuringly.

"Thank you" Quinn said rolling her eyes.

"This year" Sirius added jokingly.

"Whatever" Quinn said while laughing as they all walked out the door carrying her stuff. 

The family arrived at the train station surprisingly fast. Considering they left so late. Quinn ran to platform 9/3.4. Remus and Sirius walked behind her. 

"4th year. Shit." Sirius said in dismay to his husband.

"Wait until its her 7th" Remus said gloomily. 

"Jesus Rem, Don't remind me" Sirius said. 

"Sorry" Remus chuckled as he put his arm around Sirius. 

They were going miss Quinn a lot. The previous year they wrote to each other once a month. The year before that it was once a week. It scared them how little she would write to them this year. Even though Quinn wasn't either of their own bloods she was most defiantly their daughter. They loved her and cared for her as their own daughter.  Both of them wanted to give her the amazing childhood experience that they both couldn't have. Although James and Lily had to help out all the time. The couple still remember the first time she stepped onto the Hogwarts express. Now it was her fourth. Next fifth, then sixth, seventh. Then that would be it. She would be off in the world. On her own. They'd be lying if they didn't say that they were completely terrified for that day. 

"Well you two look like shit!" A voice said behind the pair of them. It was James and Lily.

"Hey!" Remus exclaimed. The four of them shared gestures just as Dorcas and Marlene both showed up behind the group of them. 

"Look at the six of us together again." Sirius said enthusiastically.

"Siri we saw each other like last week" Marlene replied.

"Oh how the time files!" James said dramatically. 

"Where are all the rascals?" Remus asked while looking around the crowded train station. 

"Probably off planning world domination." Dorcas joked.

"Ahh how they do take after us!" James said proud. They all laughed. They may be all adults and mature but when they were around each other they were still the stupid kids pulling the most devious pranks and making dirty jokes for the hell of it. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2023 ⏰

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