Chapter 1: The Lupin-Blacks

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"Auhauhauhauhau" The crown poshly laughed with grace.

"They're laughing is so weird" Quinn said in a judgful tone watching the audience on the game show program they were watching in the little brown box in the family room while shoving her face with ice cream messily.

"Alright sit up you getting ice cream all over the couch" Remus said while trying to shimmy his daughter to sit up.

"But I'm comfortable like this!" Quinn jokingly replied while determinedly keeping her body in the twisted form it was in. She had a leg off the couch and her other leg wrapped in her papa Sirius's she was laying her head her her dad Remus's knee and her arms stretched out wide.

"Let the girl live Rem" Sirius said to Remus after his annoyingly responsible comment.

"Well you two can clean it up then" Remus said while rolling his eyes and taking his bowl back up to the kitchen. Quinn sat up and looked at her papa and grinned. He winked jokingly and they both giggled under their breath. Quinn then looked down at her pajama shirt that was covered in chocolate ice cream.

"Shit" She whispered to herself. I was a whisper but it was loud enough for her dads to hear.

"Quinn Grace Hope Lupin-Black, I beg your pardon?!" Remus said shocked. He was stunned but sort of found it funny.

"I said 'shiz' I swear!" Quinn began to immediately defend herself. Sirius burst out in laughter as the appalled Remus stood there flabbergasted.

"You gotta watch that mouth young lady" Remus said sternly but smiling.

"I said SHIZ! S-H-I-Z!" Quinn continued to defend herself even though it made her look ridiculous.

"Shiz isn't even a word" Sirius stated while still laughing his absolute ass off. There was a quick second of silence between the family until they all erupted into a tearful laugh. It was the picture perfect family moment. Quinn felt like her family was picture perfect. She had never in her life had a single complaint about her fathers. She always felt so connected to them. Even though she knew she was adopted. Quinn's own parents were attacked by werewolves when she was 2. (She was not aware of this information and only knew that her parents were dead. Not how they died)  She spent less than a year in a crusty orphanage before Remus and  Sirius Lupin-black adopted her. Remus and Sirius were high-school sweethearts. They met in their first year of Hogwarts and became good friends. (Until their 5th years when they fell for each other). They got married in 1981 and adopted Quinn in 1982. Quinn completed their family.

The family was close and felt very companied when it was just them. But that didn't mean they didn't  have friends. The Potters were their neighbors. Also childhood friends of the couple. Lily and James Potter lived in a cozy cottage down the bushy street from the Lupin-blacks. The Potter's also have a son called Harry. Who by far is Quinn's best friend. Harry has brown hair and light skin. He also has round circular black spectacle like glasses just like his father.  Harry and Quinn got along fabulously. Ever since a young age they'd been close. Harry and Quinn both attend Hogwarts together and are both in Gryffindore. Their friendship will be everlasting. Well thats what Quinn says at least. Harry also has a younger sister called Sofia. She's sweet and bright and only a year younger. Harry isn't too fond of her but is always protective. Another family-friend they have is the Medows. Dorcas and Marlene Medow live 9 blocks away from the Potters and 11 away from the Lupin-blacks. Dorcas and Marlene have a daughter called Liddy. She's 2 years older then Quinn and Harry. She's biologically Marlene's daughter (having been Marlene falling pregnant in their 7th Hogwarts year). Liddy has dark blonde hair. She's thin and tall but not lanky and she's well put together. Lily always comments on how she is so poised. If only she knew the kind of trouble Liddy gets into when her moms aren't looking. Liddy is quite nice and Quinn looks up to her dearly. She thinks that Liddy is so pretty with her blonde hair and hates her dark brown, wavy long hair. 

Quinn strongly dislikes how she look. She thinks her hair is weird, she hates her thin eyebrows, her uneven cheekbones, she thinks her button nose isn't button enough and she wishes to put some weight on her. She's skinny. It's not bad but there is no other way to say it. She's naturally thin. And while most girls would sell their soul to look like her she prefers the look of everyone else than herself. Quinn had never had a boyfriend. And she had already established with herself that she's not attracted to girls (that was difficult to tell her papa Sirius). Granted she was only 14. But she always saw other girls around her have boyfriends and she wished she could relate to the dates, skipping class, sneaking out of dorms and intense making out. All of it. She had kissed boys and played spin the bottle and had snuck out of dorms but it's different compared to real or too just joking around. 

Besides being boyfriend-less Quinn does have a crush. Cedric Digory. A few years older. Most popular Hufflepuff. People honestly think that he's the only reason Hufflepuff is cool. Quinn had never really talked to him. Well once the year before when he knocked into her and she dropped everything she was holding (which was a lot). It wasn't like some romantic movie scene where he bent down and graciously helped her pick them up. It was more like a comedy where everyone was watching and she had just awfully embarrassed herself. But alas. The spark between them had gone out (if there even was one, which there wasn't). Cedric is going out with Liddy now anyways (another thing Quinn is jealous of Liddy about).

Quinn had never talked to either of her fathers about dating. She already knew that they would strongly disapprove. So there wasn't any point in bringing it up.  Quinn knew that her dad Remus would be more chill with it than her papa Sirius. Quinn loved her dads but she felt they were a bit protective on occasion. That's why she loves it when she gets to go off to Hogwarts. Which she's leaving for in 2 days. 

That's where our story really begins. 2 days before her 4th Hogwarts year. 

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