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Maeve bobbed her head to the music in her ears. She was fortunate enough to own a few cassette tapes. Mostly metal bands, she liked them though. Not everyone enjoyed blazing bass, and at times, raging screams. She sat on the grass, legs sprawled before her as she stretched for today's exercise. They were going to run the track. She liked running track. The sun was out, blanketed by the occasional cloud. The warmth soaked into her clothes and scalp. She loved the days Coach Mann would take the class to the outdoor track. The gymnasium was fine, but nothing beat the outside.

Not everyone did, but she liked running. It made her feel free. Sometimes she just had too much energy to contain, and it was harder for her to focus on her other classes that required her to sit at a desk for half an hour. As she curled her left heel into her other thigh to stretch her right leg, a shadow moved toward her. She knew instantly a person was coming up to her, so she took one of her earpieces out and listened as the person approached her.

"Hey," Recognition flooded her. Her mood soured a little. She glanced over her shoulder to see Bethany. "Could you hold my feet while I do some crunches?"

Bethany was a tall girl. Maybe tall was an understatement. Compared to Bethany, Maeve was like an Oompa Loompa. Then again maybe heights didn't matter. Maeve certainly didn't care. The first time Bethany tried messing with her, Maeve sent her to the infirmary, needing at least two stitches for a busted lip and fractured nose. Maeve didn't get out scotch-free, either. Their quarrel had given her a mean moonshiner and sprained wrist.

"I'd rather not," Maeve grunted, finishing her stretches, and then getting to her feet. "Unless you want a repeat of last time."

Bethany's face cinched. "Why do you gotta start a fight every time I try talking to you?"

"I can give you several reasons - got pen and paper?"

"Tch. Whatever. Didn't want you as a stretching buddy anyway."

Maeve watched in satisfaction as the tall girl clomped away to another student. It wouldn't have been so bad if Bethany wasn't a bully. Or bully her sister for the hell of it.

"Hey, Williams!" Coach Mann, a balding hulk of a human being, called for her. He stood near the equipment shed, with Sergeant Ramsey standing beside him.

The alarms in her head went off immediately. The first thought in her head was, "What did Ellie do now?" She groaned to herself, turned her Walkman off, wrapped her headphones around it, and began making her way to them. She ignored the looks from her peers and their little snickers and jabs and jeers about Ellie. She hated being taken from class by Commanders and Drill Sergeants personally. It was humiliating to a fault.

"Sergeant Ramsey," She greeted formally.

"At ease, Cadet," the man said importantly. "I need to have a chat with you."

Maeve glanced between her superiors. "Now?"

Instead of answering her, the sergeant looked at Coach Mann. "I'll be borrowing your student. She won't be back."

"Fine," Coach Mann nodded and then brought his whistle to his lips, breathing a sharp shrill that caught the attention of the class. "EVERYBODY LINE UP!"

As she watched the rest of the class gather at the starting line of the track, she heard Sergeant Ramsey call to her again, "Follow me, Cadet."

"Yes, sir." She sighed quietly, forcing herself to accept whatever the man was going to unleash onto her. Sigh. There went her day. Like a dog, she followed him into the school building, through various corridors of classrooms, and then finally his office. It was a normal-looking office with a metal desk, a wall of old-world achievements, and two wooden chairs meant for visitors. The desk had some nicknacks, a few photos, and paperwork that seemed unfinished. Behind the desk were some filing cabinets that had more paper and other miscellaneous items that looked important. She didn't like being brought into the offices. It sucked serious ass. Smelled like ass too.

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