PILOT part 1

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Booting up//


???:"We are worker drones. Autonomous robots helping humans mine exoplanets for our interestellar parent company: Jc. Jenson IN SPAAAAACE.....Yeah we were mistreated in the name of Windex, bu it's not like we revolted and killed all humans or anything."-a female voice said as it shows a planet, and robot workers on a factory.-"Mostly, because they handled that just fine all by themselves.- it cuts off to showing on the screen '!!Warning!! Planet core collapse!! as it shows to humans wearing protection suits, not knowing what to do as they shrug, and everything explodes. it cuts off to the planet on space, showing the impact it had, as then it cuts off to the planet, that its now a frozen and snowy wasteland, as a worker drone popping from a snow, as alongside him there is a frozen skeleton of what seemed to be a human, and as the Worker drone touched the frozen skeleton, this one tipped down, and broke,as another worker drone who was there, just gave a thumbs up to him.

????: With biological life wiped from the planet, we found it pretty easy to pick up where they left off.-it shows the same factory, but powered down with two human skeletons there, and some worker drones who seem to be chatting above.-We finally had a future...all to ourselves.-It shows to worker drones, a female one, and a male one, the female one is holding a baby worker drone, as the two of them are looking at it with joy.

It then cuts to space, where there is pod passing through two planets, as it landed on Copper-9.

????: Unfortunately.... our parent company didn't exactly love the concept of runaway AI.-It shows a bunch of worker drones looking worried at the landing pod.

As the landing pod opens, inside the dark, three yellow glowing eyes in form on an horizontal "X" appear. Suddenly the three glowing lights dissapear in the blink of an eye out from the pod, as the worker drones look in horror as one of the drones who seems to be a female now with wings has a worker drone on the air, as it shows it claws, as it cuts off to the head of worker drone falling to the ground showing on its screen 'FATAL ERROR', as the other worker drones watch in horror. As the same drone throws the corpse of the now headless worker drone body, as a male and another female one are next to her as she laughs as she shoots missles to the worker drones there, as an explosion goes by showing alot of oil spilled, and a worker drone praying while on its screen says 'Calculation most probable deity to pray to" as the same worker drone couple drone are leaving their child behind









????: And as more arrived....more of us died.-the female voice said as it shows more landing pods arriving to Copper-9, as then various murder drones are killing worker drones.-All hope of surivival was lost, until one day.-it shows a normal worker drone with a losing arm running away from a male murder drones who is following him, as the worker drone stops at a dead end, it watch as the murder drones lunged at him with swords.-He arrived.....-but before the murder drone could stab him, the murder drone got stabbed on the chest by a weird dagger, that was connected to a chain, as the murder drone watched confused before it got pulled away from the worker drone into a darkness, as all the worker drone could hear was the sound of more stabbing and shooting, as then the head of the murder drone was thrown to the ground, as worker drone watched horrified, waiting for whatever killed the murder drone come for him, but it never came, as the worker drone felt a blur passed him, as he looked to the ground and saw his loosen right arm, with a note on it, which said.

Dissambley Drone Killer (Murder drones x male reader)Where stories live. Discover now