I will not be ordered around my own house

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The next day dawned with an air of anticipation and an undercurrent of tension in the estate. Astarion had been preoccupied with courtly matters, and I found myself wandering the opulent halls, navigating the corridors lined with historical tapestries and grandeur.

As the day progressed, we eventually reconvened in the throne room, where Astarion was to oversee a critical meeting with neighboring lords. I stood by his side, the weight of his protective gaze a constant reminder of our intertwined fates.

The throne room was a spectacle of regality, adorned with rich tapestries and gilded accents that spoke of centuries of lineage. Astarion exuded authority as he settled into his seat, the aura of a lord who commanded respect and loyalty.

Just as the proceedings were set to commence, the tranquility of the room was shattered by the arrival of one of Astarion's vampire spawn. Panic etched across the messenger's face, a foreboding sense of urgency coloring their words.

"My Lord," the vampire gasped, their chest heaving with exertion. "There's been a threat—an imminent danger to your... companion."

Astarion's demeanor shifted instantly, his gaze locking onto the messenger with a steely resolve. "Explain."

The vampire's words spilled out in a frantic rush, detailing a nefarious scheme concocted by a rival faction seeking to leverage a threat against me to manipulate Astarion's actions.

"They intend to force your hand," the vampire continued, voice quivering. "If you do not comply with their demands, they threaten harm to your beloved."

A chill rippled down my spine as the gravity of the situation sank in. Astarion's protective instinct surged forth, a palpable tension building in the room.

A flurry of whispered commands and urgent discussions filled the throne room as Astarion addressed the looming threat. Yet, amidst the urgency, an uncomfortable reality surfaced—a critical meeting that Astarion couldn't afford to abandon.

"Darling, I cannot ensure your safety while I attend to this," Astarion's voice, though strained, held a note of anguish. "You must retreat to our quarters, accompanied by one of our own."

Reluctance warred within me, torn between the desire to stand by Astarion's side and the practicality of his directive. I nodded, swallowing the unease that coiled in my gut, and acquiesced to his command.

One of the vampire spawn, an enigmatic figure with a countenance that betrayed little emotion, was tasked with escorting me back to our shared chambers. With a silent exchange of understanding, we made our way through the corridors, a silent tension hanging heavy in the air.

As we reached the confines of our quarters, a sense of vulnerability washed over me. The vampire spawn stationed themselves discreetly at the entrance, a silent guardian, while I retreated further into the room.

Alone in the vastness of the chamber, the gravity of the situation sank in. Fear mingled with a sense of helplessness as I grappled with the uncertainty of the impending danger.

Minutes stretched into an agonizing eternity, the silence of the room a stark contrast to the turmoil raging within me. I paced the room in restless anticipation, every sound magnified in the echoing hollowness of the estate.

And then, without warning, the tranquility shattered into chaos. The door burst open with a thunderous crash, and before I could react, a sudden blow to the back of my head sent me spiraling into darkness.

The world dissolved into a whirlwind of disoriented sensations—a fleeting glimpse of struggle, the echoes of hurried footsteps, and then, an abyss of unconsciousness engulfed me. The last vestige of consciousness fading into an eerie silence.

Possessive ascended Astarion x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now