Hello Mr. Tall, Dark, and Handsome

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I woke up to birds chirping, the sun shining, and the smell of Brenda's famous blueberry pancakes. I see the girls aren't in here so they must be downstairs pigging out on breakfast.

I take a shower and curl my hair. I put on light but sexy makeup.

I pick out a pink ruched front bralet crop top, dark wash super skinny jeans, a leather jacket, and knee high brown boots. I smirked in the mirror and walked downstairs.

I walked in the kitchen to see the girls eating breakfast, and Izzy on Aaron's lap.

Ew, they're kissing.

Brenda smirked at my outfit and nodded behind me. I turned around Derek with pitch black eyes. Lust.

I roll my eyes and told the girls to hurry for practice. I turned around and Derek pinned me to a wall.

"You really think you are going anywhere with that on?!" He said sounding like a whole new person.

"Uh, yeah cheer practice, so..." I started but he interupted with a low growl.

"What's your problem? It's not like we're mates." With that his eyes changed back to normal color and he looked shocked with a mixture of hurt. I pushed past him outside.


The girls and I arrived at school. Well all but, Izzy, Aaron said that he refused to let his mate ride with such a 'careless driver'.

Cue the eye roll.

I only got into an accident once and that's because a bunny was in the road and I refuse to hit bunnies. Now squirrels I don't mind. Those things are evil I tell you.

One time when I was 13, Aaron, Derek and I were walking to school in September and a squirrel jumped out of a tree and attacked me! I have never forgave squirrels since that day.

After practice, I was at my locker getting my books for algebra. "Uh, excuse me?" A deep velvety voice asked.

I turned around and my heart dropped. There stood Mr. Tall, Dark, and Handsome. His vivid green eyes pierced into my simple blue ones. His perfectly chisled face had a hint of amusement. I lightly sniffed the air. Werewolf. Perfect!

"Uh, uh, yes?" I ask pathetically. Really Emeli? You have a hot guy in front of you and that's all you can say? I am shamed to be in this body right now.

"Do you know where Algebra is?" He asked. I stood there staring at his midnight black hair. BITCH SAY SOMETHING INTELLIGENT!

"Oh, well, I have that class you can walk with me." I say finally.

He chuckled," Sure." He held his hands out," Hi, I'm Zac Henderson."

"I'm Emeli Sanders, but everyone calls me either Em or Emmy. I heard you joined our pack yesterday." I took his hand and I felt a faint spark.

We both froze and stared at one another. This can't be right, I already have a mate, even though he rejected me (asshole). Then Brenda's words popped back into my head,'As we spent more time together, our bond grew stronger and soon we were considered mates.'


I looked at him and he was looking at me with his eyes widened. Did I say Brenda's words out loud? "

Yes, yes you did." He said looking at me with those big green eyes. We both pulled away quickly.

We started to walk to algebra. "So, um, tell me about yourself." I thought to myself.

"Okay, well, I'm 17, soon to be 18 in a month. I love pink. I am the beta's twin sister. Used to be best friends with the alpha before he..." I stopped.

"Rejected you?" Zac asked. I nodded.

"How'd you know?"

He sighed. "I just found my mate last night. I was walking around when I bumped into her. Her name is Giana. As soon as she seen me she said and I quote,' Please, I have a boyfriend who's way cuter than you. I, Giana Cooper, reject you as my mate.' and she walked away. How can someone be so heartless?"

I let everything he had said sink in and my eyes widened. "Giana is your mate?!" I whisper yelled knowing some humans were lurking around.

He nodded sadly. I gave him a sympathetic smile and touched his shoulder feeling those same faint sparks,"You dodged a bullet."


At lunch, Zac and I walked into the lunch room together. Me laughing my head off at one of his hilarious jokes.

I swear most people's jokes are corny but his are actually funny and makes perfect sense.

Everything about him is perfect.

His smile, his hair, his face, his body (boy is he muscular and an eight pack just like Derek? Hell.Yes.) his voice, even his laugh is like ear sex.

We walk into the cafe and stand in line. I was about to pay when he paid for me (such a gentleman!). "You didn't have to do that."

He lightly chuckled,"Well a beautiful girl like you shouldn't have to pay for weird looking lunch like that." That caused me to blush.

Then again, all of his compliments today has been making me blush.

When I walked pass Derek, Giana, and their army of sluts and manwhore's table, Derek was glaring at Zac and Giana was glaring at me. Rejection sucks for both ends of the party doesn't it?

We walked over to my table and sat down. All the girls were looking at us knowingly and smiling.

"Guys, this is Zac. Him and his family are new to the pack, remember?"

They all nodded.

"Hey, I'm Isabelle, call me Izzy, and this is Chelsie, Hannah, Briella, Aaron, Emmy's twin, Parker, Hannah's mate, and Trevor, Chelsie's mate." Izzy introduced everyone.

All of lunch has been going pretty well. Zac told us about himself. How he has a little sister that's in 8th grade. His parents are always fighting but make it seem like they're not. He can play the gutair, sing, and play baseball.

"Lucky for you because football season just ended and baseball season just begun." I told him.

It's February 23 today so that means baseball season begins. In Southern Cali, it doesn't snow or get that cold so they should be fine.

"Thanks for telling me." He said kissing my cheek. Causing me to turn a shade of crimson.

"Y-Your welcome..." I looked over at Derek to see he was gripping the table, eyes pitch black. Jealousy and anger. Giana just had a look of hurt on her face.

Before we knew it, Zac was picked up by his neck and thrown across the cafeteria. Derek was towering over him. By the looks of it, if someone doesn't stop this, someone will be in the hospital.

(P.S. for all of you who are just a little slower than the rest Zac would be the one sent to the hospital. Now continue on!)

I ran over to where Derek was shaking with fury,"She's mine!" He yelled about to go wolf. I put my hand on his shoulder, causing him to relax a little. He turned to me, his eyes returning to it's normal color.

I sighed and ran over to Zac to make sure he was okay. "Of course, make sure he's okay instead of your own-"

"This is not the time for that you ass! He's hurt!" I help Zac up. "Oh yeah, and I am DEFINITELY NOT YOURS!" I yelled at him before taking a very hurt Zac to the nurse.

Giana's POV :p

As I watch that slut take MY MATE to the nurse, I realize something. I rejected him. He probably hates me now. But I CAN'T be spineless and let her just kiss his 'boo boos' better! That's my job! I walk out of the cafeteria with a purpose.

Get. My. Mate. Back.

Rejected by my Best Friend (Book #1 in the RBMBF series)Where stories live. Discover now