Halloween in April?

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(Warning a little Rated R)

It's been two days since the sluts arrived and Derek is still ignoring me.

I've tried everything to get his attention, but he just turns his head and acts like he didn't hear anything.

I've had this empty feeling, my wolf doesn't like her mate being angry with her, especially for something so stupid. Even when I want sex he just shrugs me off.

Today, I was training with the pack's top trainer, Sterling. He's my uncle on my father's side.

He kept throwing punches but I kept blocking them. He wasn't able to get one blow.

Then, I smelt him.

He was here, watching me, and two scents joined his.

From the corner of my eye, I seen him, my father, and slut #1, who I learned name is Valerie. They were watching my fighting skills.

It made me furious that she was here too.

After that, I took out my anger on Sterling, doing a roundhouse kick on him and pinning him to the ground. He looked shocked at my sudden outburst, but I didn't care. I just walked off into the woods, took off all of my clothes and turned wolf. I then held my clothes in my teeth and ran.

I soon reached my secret spot. Well the start of it.

I changed back into human and put my clothes back on. I started walking down the trail with a canopy of trees above my head.

There were apple blossoms covering the trees. As I reached the end of the trail, I seen a lake with a mini waterfall.

This was a very relaxing place to just think. I came here whenever Derek and I had fights, which was rare.

Then all of a sudden, I heard footsteps. I immediately got into a fighting stance.

Nobody knew about this place. Except Izzy and I. Not even Derek knows about my secret hideout. If he did, he'd know that I come here whenever I'm pissed and try to come too.

Then, a wolf came out of nowhere. Not just any wolf, a were! Then two followed behind him. Soon I was outnumbered 4 to 1.

They were rogues too!

God no, not now! I can't fight them all at once! I turned wolf, forgetting about my clothes and I ran away. They were close. I can't outrun them either? Damn!

Then, about six of my pack came out of nowhere and literally killed them in 10 seconds.

Derek came out of the woods fully clothed. "Change!" He ordered me. I growled at him. How dare he just order me? When I'm mad at him too?

"Emeli, I am your mate and your alpha, I order you to change!" Did he just call me emeli? He never calls me emeli!

I go behind a tree and change. That tree so happened to be the hollow tree I get clothes from so I just throw on a shirt and jeans. I come back to an angry looking Derek.

"What the hell do you think you were doing just lingering in the woods? You know there are rogues out here, you could've gotten killed!"

I roll my eyes,"Uh, for your information, I was NOT lingering in the woods. I was at a lake, when rogues did a surprise attack. Nobody knew about the place so I didn't expect anybody to find me!"

I started walking away when he grabbed my arm. "You know not to go in the woods alone! Next time, don't be so STUPID!"

He then started to walk away. "WHAT THE HELL DID I DO WRONG! You've been ignoring me for the past TWO days!" He turned around,"You really wanna know what you did wrong? The guy carried your books to class, that's what you did wrong. I don't think you've noticed, but you have a MATE who does that!" I look at him like he's grown a head.

Rejected by my Best Friend (Book #1 in the RBMBF series)Where stories live. Discover now