Chapter 1

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It was a clear spring day in the rolling hills of Zeralt,  and a young elf was riding his chestnut unicorn down a well-paved road.  As the unicorn's cloven hooves clicked against the pavement, the elf smiled..  He was wearing a red uniform, which was decorated with silver epaulets.  On his head, he wore a wide brimmed hat, turned up at the sides.  At his side was a sheathed saber, the point of which was a bit wider than the rest of the blade.  This was Captain Zhelkath Veltarus, known for his brutal tactics during a war with an invading army of orks two years ago.  He turned his head to look at a palatial marble mansion, two stories tall and boasting an impressive veranda.  He'd been called here to discuss business with Travaer Languanette, who was a colonel in an army that was beginning to form.  He headed up the horseshoe driveway and dismounted.  A servant lead the beast to the stables.

"Captain Veltarus," said a man on the veranda.  "Welcome to the Chateau Languanette.  Not a grandiose name, but... well, my grandfather was not a man of fancy."  His voice, like that of most Zeraltans, carried a drawl.

"Well, sir," said Zhelkath in his own drawl-less voice, "One thing can be said... whoever built this house had a keen eye for beauty."

"Merely a trifle, Captain; four walls and a roof."  The colonel chuckled.  "At any rate, you were called here for a reason.  Zeralt is under threat, economically and morally.  You must agree the king has overstepped."

"I understand we're seceding from the kingdom, and so do the king's supporters.  As a Kraschevian by heritage, I say that my people's suppression must not go unanswered.  You yourself must know that all four regiments of the Royal Kraschevian Provincial Guard have declared for the sovereignist movement, and that includes me."

"Perfect.  Now why don't we head inside?"

The two headed into the house, greeted by a smiling young lady with wavy blonde hair and green eyes.  She was wearing a green off-shoulder dress, ruffled and decorated with silver filigree.

"My daughter, Katryelle," said Travaer as Zhelkath gently took her outstretched hand, kissing it softly.

"Delighted to meet you, Miss Katryelle," said Zhelkath softly.

"Likewise, Captain... Veltarus, was it?"

Zhelkath nodded.  "Your father called me here to discuss the upcoming war, which I hope doesn't need to happen."

"If it does," said a young boy, in his twenties by the look of him, walked into the room, "we'll show 'em!"

"My son Kelarieux is rather interested in military matters.  He might make a fine soldier."

"Anything you need?  Be happy to help!"

"Take the chicken out of the refrigerator and peel the potatoes, will you please?" Katryelle instructed.

"Certainly.  Will the captain be staying for dinner?  Katryelle's a first-rate cook!"


"Of course!  Who am I to turn down a meal?"

"Right, then, to business."

Katryelle smiled as she curtsied and headed upstairs.

"We Sovereignists have formed a provisional government, with Valendran Galois as our leader, or Consul.  He instructed me, having been assigned to the War Department, to find potential generals for the army we're trying to form.  I'm not at Liberty to provide our numbers, but you mentioned four regiments are joining our cause.  That's eight thousand men.  This is a boon to the movement... but my main focus is this... your exploits in the War of the Orcish Incursion are well-known.  You've proven to be a fine officer who's not afraid of a fight."

"Never order your men to do what you wouldn't."

"Exactly.  It is on the basis of your competence and your valor in the field, as well as your vicious tactics, to a degree, that I want you to command what will now be known as the Kraschevian Legion... your four regiments."

Zhelkath leaned back in his seat.  "I never thought I would see the day that a king would be so rash, and so overcome by greed and frivolity, that his own country, his breadbasket no less, would be forced to rise up against him.  I pray to the gods that we might be successful using a less bellicose method of persuasion, but... should war come, the Kraschevian Legion will stand with you."  He nodded again.  "And I'll lead them."

"Excellent," said Travaer as the two men stood and clasped each other's right wrists.  "Now, then... let's wait like a kelvar waits for a dove... I mean, very... very patiently, for dinner!"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2023 ⏰

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