Chapter 1

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Slow burn series
Word count: 1,981

                You hear Professor Clark call your name. You get up from your desk and make your way into his office.
"Yes, Professor Clark? I need you to go to Professor Brinks office and hand him these papers." "Do you need anything else while I'm out?" "Get me a coffee." You looked at him for a good minute, waiting for him to say two simple words. He looks up and rolls his eyes. "Thank you." "You're very welcome." You make your way out of the office and begin your long walk to the Crime Department of the school. you were a student in the arts department studying to be a filmmaker and screenwriter. So you rarely made your way to the other side of the school. Luckily, you made the smart decision to wear Something comfortable to the office. You walked through the door and saw Jordan sitting at their desk. you obviously knew of them, hell everyone knew of them, but you didn't know them personally, you only knew what your cousin told you and from things on their socials.
              "Excuse me." You said they lifted their head from the paperwork they were doing . " Hi, I'm Professor Clark's TA. He sent me down here to give Professor Brink some papers." "He's busy at the moment, but I can give it to him." "Okay." You hand them the papers. "I'm y/n, by the way." "Jordan." "It's nice to officially meet you." "Yeah it's nice to meet you too." "Okay, well, I gotta go get professor Clark some coffee, or he'll kill me." They chuckled at your statement. " I'll see you around." "Yeah." You walked out the office and the rest of the time at the office was you doing paperwork for Clark, Sending emails for him, and listening to him yell about how he fucking hates College students. Finally it was time for your lunch break and you met up with your cousin.
"Hey." "Hey." you said as you sat next to him in the cafeteria. "How's your work been?" "Well, I had to listen to professor Clark rant through his office about college students and 'this generation' So that was fun." "Why did you even agree to be that guy's TA?" "To Pad my resume." "Yeah but you're related to the amazing Andre." "No offense, dude, but that's not what I want to be known for. Besides, I don't think people even know We're related to begin with." He shrugged, "It never hurts to name drop who you're related to." "That is true." "Anyway, you wanna go out tonight." "I don't know." "Come on, you always follow the rules." Which wasn't a lie even though you were related to Polarity, your parents didn't want you to use that as a crutch. They wanted you to be kind, respectful, and resourceful. Not spoiled in any way. So You never went out past curfew or did anything that could put you at risk from being kicked out, but it was your Senior year, you should be able to have a little fun even if it is just for one night. "Okay. " "Wait really?" "Yeah Why not?" "Alright, great. we're going to meet up at the front at 8pm." "Okay I'll be there."
               For the rest of the day, all that was on your mind was tonight. You were mentally mapping out the outfit you wanted to wear, then it hit you. You never met any of Andre's friends. You knew of them and he would talk about them all the time, how could you not know who they were though, they were all in the top 10, but you Were nervous, even though you and Andre were related You weren't as outgoing as him, Sure you could make friends and hold a conversation but it was hard for you to allow people to see you with your guard down. On top of that, you got drained so easily from being around a bunch of people. You were also excited to try something new. By the time you got done with your classes and completing some work for Professor Clark, you went straight to your room to groom yourself for tonight. It took you a while to prepare your outfit, but you finally decided on a black cropped turtleneck paired with a black pleated skirt, dark brown platforms, and a brown jacket. You thought it was cute. Before you left, you did one final check in the mirror and off you were.
When you made it to the spot, you saw all four of them standing. You felt a little underdressed for the occasion, but once Andre saw you, you knew you couldn't leave. You put on a smile and continued to walk towards them.
              "Finally!" Andre yelled, hands up in the air as his eyes landed on you. Everybody else followed his gaze, and they all smiled. Well, almost all Jordan looked confused as hell. "Sorry. I got caught up with some work for Clark and lost track of time." You said to Andre and gave a tightlipped smile to everyone. "It's fine, I guess. Everyone, this is my cousin y/n, y/n this is everyone." "Hi." Cate was the first to speak. "Oh my gosh Andre why the fuck didn't you tell us you had a cousin that went here." She walked over to us and punched him in the arm. "It's so nice to meet you." "It's nice to meet you too." I smiled. She ended up giving me a hug and accepted it. Luke was next. "Like cate said, it's really nice to meet you." He said with a bright smile and we shook hands. "It's nice to meet you too." Then there was Jordan. They were in their Male form at the moment. "Hey it's good to see you again." "Wait, you guys already met? " Andre said, a bit confused. "We met earlier today." I answered. " You knew too, why didn't you tell us?!" "They didn't know, I didn't mention it." You said before they could. "Ooh." "Well I'm ready to go, what about you guys?" Luke Chimed up, in unison we all agreed.
               You guys made it to this nice club and cate got you all in using her abilities, it was so fucking cool, once you made it in you all sat on these coaches that allowed you to face each other in a small circle. For the first couple of minutes all You did was laugh and drink, well you only got one alcoholic drink and after that it was just coke, eventually the topic got to your abilities.
          "So can you bend Metal or something similar to Polarity?" Cate asked. . Everyone's eyes were on you now. "Umm." You looked at Andre then back at everyone else. "No. My abilities are way different than Andre and uncle." "Really?" Luke asked. "Then what can you do?" Jordan Chimed in. " It's nothing special."Well. we want to know." You sighed. "I can manipulate the weather." You kinda whisper. "What?" Cate asked. You looked down at your hands and spoke a little louder." I can manipulate the weather." Nobody really said anything. You knew that your ability wasn't necessarily bad or useless, but you also knew that making it rain was definitely not helpful in a fight. Besides you didn't really have any control over it anyways, once when you were so pissed that one of your professors graded something that wasn't even due till the next month that it haled for a week straight. you tried to calm down and relax, but you just couldn't get over it. "I've never heard of that before." Jordan said. You didn't like telling people about your ability because they would blame you for the rapid changes in the Weather, but you took some pills that Shetty said would help suppress your powers after freshman year with the Whole hale situation. "Yeah, well, my cousin is unique." Andre slung his arm around you, pulling you close. "Do you have like control over your ability? And is it driven by emotions or..." Cate said. You released yourself from Andre, pinching him for messing up your hair. "Umm, it's driven by emotions. So like when I'm anxious it'll snow or rain, When I'm angry the hale comes down, When I'm happy it's sunny etc. But I can't control it all the time So I take some meds to sorta regulate my emotions. After freshman year with the hale situation, I kinda had to start taking them." "Wait, that was you?!" Cate yelled. "I thought it was global warming or some shit." Jordan said. You scratched your neck. "Yeah." "Damn thats so fucking cool. " Luke laughed. "Thanks." You chuckled. "Hey." Cate called out to me. "Let's dance." She grabbed your hand and dragged you out to the dance floor. You and cate spent so long on the dance floor, you were taken by surprise by how much fun you were having. You were so happy you came out. As you were dancing you felt as though someone was looking at you, you were turning your head around and you saw them. It was only for a quick second but you saw Jordan, arms resting on their thighs staring straight at you. They were so beautiful in both forms, even though you didn't know them well you had a feeling that they were a beautiful person on the inside as well.
           "Hey I'm gonna go get another drink. Do you want anything?" "No i'm Okay, thanks though." You both shouted over the music, as she left you stayed on the dancefloor continue What you were doing. After a minute you felt a hand on your arm gently turning you around. It was Jordan, they were still in their male form so you had to look up at them. "Hey." "Hi." "Do you wanna dance with me?" "Yeah of course." you smiled brightly at them, it was nice the feeling of their hands on you and the close proximity, it all felt so right. Then they shifted and your smile grew brighter, Their hair was longer and had slight curls in it and all you can think was 'Damn I can't believe I'm this fucking lucky' You couldn't stop laughing and smiling at the things they said and did during this time.
            A couple of hours later it was midnight and you had an early Class. "Hey guys I'm gonna head back." "What? Why?" Cate whined. "I got an early class." "Wait." She pulled out her phone and handed it to you. " Give me your number. I would love to hangout with you soon." You took it with a smile and added your number. Cate was really sweet, and she made you feel so loved? was that the word, She seemed like someone who would protect you no matter what. You gave her the phone and began to gather your Stuff, you hugged everyone goodbye. Well, mostly everyone, when it got to Jordan, they stood up. "I'll walk back with you." "You don't need to do that." "I know." "Okay." The walk back was silent , but it wasn't uncomfortable. It was actually soothing for you after spending so many hours out. When you finally made it back to your dorm, you didn't know what to do. "Well, this is me." You chuckled. "Can I ask a question?" "Sure." " How come you didn't tell me you were Andres' cousin." " Well, I didn't think that it was that important. Besides, there's more to me than being his cousin." "Fair. " You smiled. "Well, I better head in." " Would you mind giving me your number before you do?" You grabbed their phone typing in your info, handing it back to them. "Well goodnight." "Night." You walked into your room, and for the rest of the night, you couldn't stop smiling. You couldn't wait for what tomorrow held.

I will be posting this on my Tumblr as well.

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