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I just received my BCA exam results. And I couldn't believed that I passed. I expected much less though, my result shocked me.

When I informed about this to the others, they were happy as well, and their faces said that they were genuinely happy because of my results. Achieving the top marks in the whole university, my name on the first line of the toppers list framed with gold and placed in the glass shelf of greatest achievements of the university and me being just a step back from the biggest dream of my life was something I had to be happy for.

Not only for the marks but also submitting her work to the web-novel company. But every time I'm happy, there's like an arrow that pokes my heart which just pulls me back from celebrating anything. And it's either the disease I'm diagnosed with, or Edward. I didn't want to really stress this in my mind again, but my symptoms are getting severe, and I'm afraid they might not me incurable.

Its not like I don't want to get rid of this. Of course I do, but if surgery goes unsuccessful, I'm afraid I die before seeing him. I really don't want to die before I spend a good time with Edward and before I become a software engineer of a business company and seeing my web novel reach heights. Heights more than expected. I want to see a lot of things. At least before dying peacefully.

My marks were what shocked me last night when I couldn't sleep. But another thing that shocks me again, this hour of night, is the reply from Peanut Letter Username's owner. Urgh! This name is long, let's keep a short name. PLG. That's the name. You'll know why there's a G at the last.

I wasn't feeling good this morning. I had blood coughs twice, and slight fever. Along with it, I coughed more than I breathed. My body felt weak and getting up from bed was the last thing I wanted to do. I felt I would die today. Since all this happened, Nola- that doctor friend of mine- was called over by Julia, she looked after me and they forced her to stay overnight. Sam was pissed off and preferred to visit the hospital rather. But trust me, I was in no condition to get out of bed.

I spring up and stand. I see Nola sitting down and sleeping on her folded hands which were placed on the bed. I'm doubting if I really should wake her up. She was looking after me and slept. She must be tired. Since, she saw this condition of mine, she asked what was wrong. I wouldn't have told her if she didn't insist that I got frustrated and blurt out everything. She couldn't believe it at first but then all of a sudden she did.

"Nola" I whisper and slightly shake her elbow.

"Mm?" she says drowsily.

"PLG gave a reply..." I say slowly.

Her eyes open and she lifts her head up at me with those widened bulging out black eyes "H-he did?"

I gulp and nod. Then display the phone screen in front of her. She seizes it and examines the whole thing for more than solid 3 minutes.

Grab him at this location

That's all he wrote.

If he said to grab him from a certain location. That means Edward is safe. I'm glad. If there'd be a single scratch on his skin, I swear I'll strangle PLG to death.


"Sam...please drive a bit faster" I say frantically. Asher is seated in the front aside of Sam and Julia is beside me. I suppose Nola would come as well, but her mother called her for something.

"Sasha this is the maximum speed I'm allowed to drive at" he replies with a bit of annoyance "How many times do I have to assure you that I'll make you reach there at any cost"

"I'm just..." I sigh then "Sorry" I turn my head and see the sleepy Julia who's fast asleep resting her head on her seat. I roll my eyes.

We stop near the car near an old granary.

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