Chapter - one

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It's been two months since the death of Kalyani And Vikram and gayatri and indrajeet ....
Just after a week of their death when girls parents were coming back through their private plane but it crashed and none of them survived...

And about there relationship with each other... Its  also changing..

Juli is in her room lost in her thoughts Aditya is sleeping beside her.. It's almost been a month when everyone together spent some time... She was devasted when she heard that her parents are no more and her other two friends were no less they were a crying mess... And just like she supported him he also did...

But things doesn't feel the same way like before now it's been few weeks since jeet isn't coming back on time.. Not attending her calls... Maybe work load is alot... Cause other two are also doing same she notices how they all comes late...

Her thoughts got broken when she felt a little movement beside her it was aditya who just woke up and was playing with her hairs...

"Aww my baby's up huh " She asked..

He just giggled while looking at her...

"Ma.. Ma " He said... While lifting his hands..

She got it that he wanna be held up...

She took him in his arms.. And came out of the room..

" I guess adi is up " She heard Sakshi's voice..

"Yes he just woke up " I said..

She came near us as soon as adi saw her he squealed..
Sakshi took him and we both head downstairs..

We entered the kitchen and saw rishika who was cooking something..
Lost in her world..

"What are you cooking " I asked. She startled and then looked at us with a smile.. That wasn't real a bit...

"Ohh I was just preparing sahi paneer " She replied..

"Mimi.. " Adi said..

"Hayee meraa bacha " Rishika said and walked near us while turning off the gas..

Aditya almost jumped on her..

"My baby my bacha my sona my bubu " She said kissing him all over the face..

Aditya was giggling in her arms he was laughing almost..

"They both look cute together " Said sakshi..

"Yep I still remember how she wasn't that good with kids earlier but now look at her " Juli said..

"What do you mean by that good, she wasn't good at all " Said sakshi..

"Yep right " Juli replied...

"So who wants a coffee " Sakshi asked...

"Mee " Juli replied..

"And count me in too " Shouted rishika she was still playing with aditya..

After 15 mins...

Sakshi prepared coffee they were drinking it while just sitting together aditya was playing with his toys...

All of them were silent staring at a particular thing...
Lost in their own world..

"So sakshi what's going on with your new song " Juli asked..

"I don't know you know that all my songs have a story behind it... And this time I am out of ideas " She said...

"Don't worry I know you really creative soon you will find something " Said rishika with a small smile..

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