Chapter - Nineteen

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It's been few days since all those events happened.. With our girls.. That day sakshi was a bit disturbed.. She hated herself for falling weak.. But when her besties told her that it's ok nothing just fades away completely.. There are still some memories which we love adore... But those memories doesn't change the fact that all that was just a lie.. They never really loved them.. They were using them.. And when they were done they threw them away..

After listening to all this.. She decided that she has to control herself.. He is just her past.. He won't be able to do anything this time.. Sakshi said to herself..
Unaware that rishika was also doing the same thing..just it wasn't completely similar.. She told herself that she won't let him ruin her again.. He already did it once.. Made her helpless.. But now he can't cause she isn't same rishika..
And Juli was also doing that.. She told herself that this time she won't let him ruin her happiness her family.. Just like he is the eldest figure for his brothers she is same to her sisters.. She doesn't fear anything now..

The three of them decided.. This time they weren't those hopeless romantic princesses.. Who thought that it's a fairytale.. They will get their prince who will love them.. But instead they were those queen who knew nothing except their family.. Who would do anything for them.. Who won't fall weak in front of anybody...

And for our boys..
Well shivam.. Was devastated when he was telling everything to his brothers.. The fire he felt inside of him when he saw her with someone else..and after that what he did made the situation worst..

But his brothers told him.. That they can't back away.. Yes they are being selfish.. For asking them back after what all that they did.. Don't they have any emotions??? Is this is how they love them??
Their answers were that yes they are asking them back.. They know they made their lives horrible.. It wasn't easy for them to hate the love of their lives... Those people who showed them a total different side of this world.. But the grief of losing every elder members their parents their grandparents.. and the thirst for revenge made them hate their beloveds..
They were stupid to easily believe all those things..but at that moment when they did all their researchs they found it was true..and they made themselves hate those angles of their lives ..and now when somehow truth the actual truth came out .. they realised that it wasn't actually them who were suffering from the lies their wives said but it was their wives who had been facing problems..pain.. hurdles..all the horrible things.. and now after all those things which are done . Their wives hate them...
But now can they live with the guilt..well no they can't .. they will die..the regret is killing each of them..but will this do any good no.. their wives tried their best.. they fought for their love their trust their relationship..and now it's their do so they can't back off..

Moreover they are Raghuvanshis ..who don't know any boundaries.. they will get what is their back....for that they will do whatever is needed..
They don't want them back they need them back..cause without them they are nothing...what is a life without your soul ..and they realised it now.. after all this time.. they were blinded by their revenge that they didn't even see they ruined everything...

In these past days all the brothers have been trying to get close to their girls..Jeet started going office really late..he would spend alot of time with Aditya..with day he even woke up really early to make breakfast for everyone just to make juli eat it ..

Let's take a look at the day..
Everyone was present at the breakfast table..

"Mumma I am hungry.." Aditya whined..

"Yes bhabhi...I am also very hungry.." arohi said..

"I don't know what your brother is doing inside the kitchen ..he didn't allowed anyone in.." juli spoke ..

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