Chapter 16

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At Kim's Mansion

It was around 5 in the evening, Siya was working on some documents in the room and her brain suddenly made her remember today's afternoon when Taehyung came with the box of chocolates and gave it to Siya and told her how he kept on missing her all the time in his office and also while leaving, again he said how he didn't want to leave her again and face that boring office of his.

All this time Siya simply kept staring at him and the cute little embarrassment moment of his when Dodo caught him saying all those things. She smiled shaking her head and then immediately realized what she was doing. "What the hell Siya, get yourselves together."

She heard a knock on her door at the same time. "Come in." Kim Anna entered the room with some bags and smiled at Siya. "Mom? What are these?" she asked getting confused when she placed all the bags on the sofa nearby. "There's an engagement ceremony for the daughter of a very well known friend of Shesh (Taehyung's Dad)." Siya nodded. "So we are invited. Get ready with these by 7 pm. Okay?" she said smiling and Siya too nodded with a smile.


"You guys know what to do right?" Dodo said while looking at everyone who was sitting in the room listening to her while she was slowly walking with her stick back and forth while talking like a mastermind. "We got it Dodo, we all will leave early for the party leaving only Taehyung Hyung, Siya Unnie and Only one car." Yeonjun explained proudly and everyone nodded and decided to follow the plan.


It was 6.30 and Taehyung arrived home after completing his work. He noticed how the mansion seemed quiet and empty. As he was about to take the stairs, he got a call. It was Dodo.

"Hello Tae." she said all excited making Taehyung frown. "What's the matter and where are you dodo?" he questioned sensing the background sound on the call. "We all are at the party venue, Siya is still at home, both come together soon okay?" she told him and hung up making him confused.

'Why the hell did they not take Siya along with them, she must be alone' he thought but soon he understood the assignment and as soon as he realized that, a smirk crept across his lips.

'Thank you so much God for giving me such a good and supportive family' he said folding his hands and thanked god while closing his eyes while making an emotional happy crying face and soon straightened up himself hearing a heel clicking sound. He was standing at the end of the staircase and he slowly looked up and his breath got stuck in his throat seeing the view in front of him.

Siya came and stood at the starting of the staircase up there and looked at Taheyung who was at the other end of the staircase, down. She wore a beautiful grey gown which was glittery and hugged her body so perfectly. Her hair was tied half up in small bun and half of her hair were resting freely on shoulder and few hair strands were left freely on the either side of her face and she had a decent makeup making her look so elegant, delicate, beautiful and pretty.

Taehyung came out of her beauty's trance when she slowly took her steps down. As she reached the end of the staircase where only two steps were yet to take. Taehyung slowly forwarded his hand hand for her to hold and she did it after pausing for few seconds.

Taehyung's intense yet admiring gaze was fixed on her making her heartbeats run crazy. This took her back to the anniversary party of her parents, he had the same gaze then too. She softly took away her hand from his soft grasp looking away. "Where is everyone?" she asked softly. "They already left." He said and she nodded after a seconds of pause. "I will get ready and come. I will be quick." Taehyung said earning a nod from her. He left to his room.

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