Chapter Seventeen

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"Aw babe...I seriously I'm not up for this one" I dramatically whine as my boyfriend practically drags me towards the building

"Uh uh, you'll be when I'm with you" he gives me a sheepish grin earning a sweet smile from me.

I relax as we walk into the building. The whole place seems to be blasting as soon as we enter. Rainbow like disco light shine on interval and drunken bodies move on the dance floor, either grinding or dancing while some group of people stay in hidden corners doing the most. I call those ones heart of Sodom. Ethan finds us a decent place to sit most probably before a waiter approaches us.

"What'll you like?" A slim, tall, white girl is standing beside our table with a foul expression almost eyeing us. Her sharp British accent strikes me and I begin to wonder why on earth she'd left her country down here in a shitty place like this waitressing for.

"Uhhmmm...two glasses of champagne..."

"No babe" I cut him short "I need to be sober for my mum cause I promised her dinner remember?"

"Oh right" He winks at me "get me a glass of champagne and cherry red wine for mi lady" he orders taking my hand to his lip and wetting it with a light kiss, staring deep into my eyes and making me look away in embarrassment. I steal a quick look at the waitress and thought I'd seen her roll her eyes. What's with the bad blood? Am I her enemy from the past life or what. Whatever.

"Coming right up". She Snickers before walking away.

"Babe, do I just take that night clubs don't harbor decent waitresses or she just decides to be mean to me?"

"Oh com'on babe...maybe she's just tired? I guess"

I roll my eyes at that.

She returns swiftly with our order and as she places them Infront of us, she makes a deliberate attempt to spill some over me but my swiftly hands come right in time to save the night. I glare do long and hard at her while she glared back.

"Errrr...I think, this is the part where I pay you leave?" Ethan says handing her some bills.

She glared daggers at him.

"I won't wait so long tonight ". That was all she said to my face before leaving.

My face is a mixture of disgust and what not as I glare at Ethan.


"What's what? You saw it didn't you. You couldn't even say something "

"Oh com'on's prolly cause she jelly or something. Look at you...the only one glowing in the room. Look all around you, them guys wanna punch me in the face till I lose conciousness"

This guy, born of a wonderful woman always will and always has my heart as I smile sheepishly at him savoring in his compliments.

"You make me sooooo damn happy" I say.

"You make me the happiest".

We just drink and have nasty conversations before Ethan offers and leads me to the dance floor. We dance vigorously for some minutes before Ethan excuses himself in a hurry for the men's. Feeling almost tired myself, i make to sit back down when my eye falls on someone so familiar in a corner of the room. She's surrounded by familiar faces as her dress is on the floor leaving her in just her underwear. I try not to believe for the worst as this same person attempts to unhook her bra. In one swift move, I storm towards her direction, pushing through the crowd of people.

"Nadine stop!!!" I scream in close distance and all heads snap towards my direction. I half stumble into her placing a hold on her hand to stop her. Some son of a bitch has a phone on record and the anger surging through me erupts in in fury as I reach forcefully and fling it out of the motherfucker's reach making it crash to the floor.

Damn, my guy's never gonna be able to use his phone again.


Nadine doesn't understand the sort of gratitude she feels on seeing her best friend, saving her right there from an eternal embarrassment. The smile on her face is huge as a pumpkin's. They both lock each other into a tight warm embrace not minding the people looking around some of which have gone back to their booze.

"C'mon...put your dress on. We need to get the fuck outta here now" Kate commands assisting her friend in doing so. Tears of relief and gratitude accumulating in Nadine's throat prevents her from saying something but rather obey.

"Bitch you're gonna pay for this" Jordan curses at Kate for smashing his phone but only gets a middle finger in response.

"Let's go" she says shielding Nadine with her arm over my shoulder and leading her out but just as they make to leave , they are obstructed by Jason.

"You've crossed me, Nadine." He threatens directly at Nadine who only whimpers in fright " And You don't know what you've gotten yourself into bitch" he adds directly at Kate.

She rolls her eyes letting out a sigh "You really wanna be doing me? You know what? I didn't say this out loud to him but you, FUCK YOUR FREAKING BALLS ASSHOLE!!!" . The whole room gasps as they storm out of the building down towards Ethan's car before pulling each other into a hungry hug while freely breaking down. They may have ignored it or thought it didn't matter but the two of them are blood sisters and they were both what they needed at the moment. Two best friends.


They stay locked in each other's arms for over twenty minutes. Nadine crying the hardest and Kate trying the best she can to console her. Sighing, she reaches into her purse to get her phone and makes a phone call across to Ethan.

"Babe,where are you?" There's a shuffle in the background and his voice comes out ruffled and stuff.


"I said where are you, you've been gone for a long time which is not funny... you know what? Meet us outside"

"Us? What do..." She  disconnects the call trying so much to focus on her crying best friend and not some wild thoughts concerning Ethan.

"Oh shit. Is that Nads?" Ethan's voice breaks the silence as he approached them. His countenance is that of confusion and sorry. That earns a whimper from Nadine.

Up close, he pecks Kate on the cheek and she could swear she perceived a feminine scent on him. She stares at him as he ruffles his hair revealing a red mark on his neck. You've gat to be kidding, a hickey!

"Where did you go?" She asks

"To ease my self?" He answers more like a question.

"Ethan, a simple act of finding the bathroom which of course shouldn't be a problem since you're very familiar with this place and easing whatever had you take 30minutes? Really?" Her voice almost comes out like a scream but she restrains herself.

"what? What are...c'mon...babe, there was a long line of waiting drunks what'd you expected me to do" he retorts avoiding her gaze. "You know what, it's getting chilly. Let's get the hell out of here" he replies immediately helping them in before moving to the driver's side.

Kate kisses atop her friends hair while their settled in the warmth of the car "Everything's gonna be fine okay? We're always here for you." She whispers as Ethan ignites the car engine to life and they make their way out of the shit hole.

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