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"Isla said she's so excited to meet you. She's been your fan since drivers license came out", Madison speaks up as we sit on the plane, our seatbelts fastened, waiting for the plane to take off.

"Is she? Maybe it'll not be so awkward, then", I reply, playing with my rings. I should be used to plane taking off, since I travel a lot due to my career, but it still freaks me a bit when it takes off into the air, and in doing so it must increase its speed. That's so scary.

"It won't be awkward, you have me, and you're gonna meet other Isla's friends".

"Do you know them?"

"I talked to Jade and Annie twice. They're both really kind, I promise, you'll find someone to talk", my best friend pats my leg reassuringly.

"Hopefully", I sigh, "is Isla picking us up off the airport?"

"Yeah, she said so. She drives us to the hotel but at the end of the day we're going to tthe restaurant, you'll meet my friends".

"We'll be so tired- oh my Godness!" the plane starts taking off and I grab my friend's hand, squeezing it. She laughs, but lucklily she calms me down as we take off, after total of fifteen minutes we're already at the right altitude, we fly to the UK.

Isla is Madison's friend. Madi lives in New York since four years and Isla was her roommate, they were really close, but six months ago she moved to the UK. Isla wanted to go to the college in New York, but it was London where she had her friends, that's why she decided to come back. 

I'm going to the UK because of some interviews that I have to do. Also, the last time I was there was for the SOUR tour in June last year, so I kinda miss London, it was so beautiful there. Madi decided to come with me, so I wouldn't be alone, and also we're gonna meet her friends.

After 9 hours of flying, the plane is landing. I wake up from my nap, looking at the views as we're landing. It's 2pm here. 

We get out of the plane and go to take our luggage. 

"Isla's already waiting for us", Madison says as we leave the airport, going to the parking lot, "oh, I see her, she's there!"

I look where she points and I see a black-haired girl, she seems to be a little taller than me. SShe notices us walking and she waves at us, starting jumping excitedly when we're closer.

"Oh my God, you really took Olivia Rodrigo with yourself!" Isla exclaims, looking at me.

It somehow happened that we had never seen each other. Usually Madison would fly to Los Angeles, but when I went to New York, Isla was going to their other friends, so Madi could spend some time with me. 

Madison laughs, "yeah, this is Olivia. Liv, it's Isla", she introduces us to each other, we hug gently. Then she greets Madi and puts our suitcases in the car trunk.

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