Prolouge: Another Time

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"Mao. . . Promise me that you won't leave me!"  A young Ritsu begged.  

The two were having a sleepover and were watching some sort of horror movie for kids.  The duo was horrified as they continued to watch but regardless, it was easier because they were beside each other.  Ritsu felt this comfort when he was with Mao and vice-versa.  Mao looked over at Ritsu who was buried underneath the blankets, shaking and gave a reassuring smile,

"I won't."

Ritsu woke up from his dream.  He understood that the promise was made quite a while ago, back when the two were in elementary school but still. . . A promise is a promise, right?  Slowly but surely, Ritsu could feel that Mao was beginning to grow distant from him.  He stuck his head outside the window when he noticed Mao practicing his shooting on the driveway.  It was late at night.  They had school the next morning.  Although Ritsu was all for skipping school in favour of sleeping now that he met attendance attendance requirements, he was willing to sacrifice sleep for Mao.  "Mao!"  Ritsu called out.  He felt like the two have gotten too distant for him to use Mao's nickname.  Mao stopped dribbling and whirled around to face Ritsu's window,

"What is it?"  He asked.

"Want to walk to school tomorrow?"  Ritsu offered.

Mao smiled, "It's great to see you energetic about going to school, but I can't.  I have to be there early because of paperwork I have from student council. . ."  He sighed. "Maybe another time?"

Ritsu smiled a little bit.  His best friend praised hi-. . . Wait, he was busy.  His face immediately fell and he shut the window.  Mao was always busy.  that, 'another time' would never come.

He was proven right when tomorrow, he went to go find Mao during lunch, "Hey, Mao, do you want to eat lunch together?"  He asked.

Mao sighed, "Ritsu, I'd love to, but I already promised Anzu I'd eat lunch with her today. . .  Perhaps another time?"

This continued throughout the week.  Basketball practice, paperwork, dates with Anzu, practice with Trickstar, fan signing, handshakes, photoshoots, planning, meetings, straight up hanging out with other people.  Mao was always busy.  Ritsu felt discouraged.  Wasn't Mao always supposed to be there for him?  He understood there was other people in his life but wasn't he also apart of Mao's life?  Therefore, Mao should be able to make time for him. . . Or so that's how it's supposed to go.

Right now, he felt Mao was putting everything first, besides him.  It felt like something his brother would do.  That's why he hated his brother and considered Mao as his only family.  So. . . Why on earth was Mao acting like his brother and just pushing him aside?  Mao was better than his brother, wasn't he? He chose Mao over his brother because he has to be better.

This all must have been some cruel joke being played on him.  But. . . Mao would never play jokes like that.  It has to be a dream, right?  So, why couldn't Ritsu wake up from this nightmare?

Ritsu was busy sulking in the Knight's practice room, much to Arashi and Tsukasa's worry.

"What's wrong, Ritsu?"  Arashi asked.

"Mao keeps on avoiding me. . ."  Ritsu scowled.

Tsukasa recoiled in shock, "But, you two are so close!  Did something happen?"  He asked.

Ritsu shook his head, "He said he's busy with work. . . But still!  He should also pay attention to me!"

Arashi nodded in understanding, "Yes, he really should!  It's not right to cut out friends like that. . . Oh, I know!  What if you work super hard in our next lives and photoshoots!  Then, Mao will praise you and then maybe you two can hang out."

Ritsu smiled, "Really?  Do you think that will work?"  Ritsu asked.

Tsukasa nodded, "It has to."

"Alright, then, I'll give it my all!"  Ritsu stood up and walked over to the mirror to begin practicing.  

For the next couple of days, Ritsu continued to work to the point of exhaustion.  He genuinely felt like he was going to pass out.  But. . . It would be worth it as long as he would get to see Mao again.  That's the only reason why he was doing this.  He wanted sleep more than anything and felt extremely sick.  Arashi and Tsukasa kept telling him to take a break but he continued to push on.  It was all for Mao.  This will all end with Mao by his side for a little while longer.

The day of Knight's live came and Arashi purposely changed it so it was a healthy competition between the Knight's members.  Leo and Izumi even flew back so Ritsu's plan could actually work.  One by one, the Knights fell until it was only Ritsu remaining.  He looked out into the audience, feeling their cheers and applause go over his head.  None of it mattered.  It only mattered if it was Mao cheering and applauding him.  He finally spotted Mao but was instantly crushed.  Mao seemed like he was busy texting someone.  So, that someone was more important than his concert?  Mao immediately frowned.  The rest of the Knights members noticed and immediately concluded the concert.

Ritsu rushed over to where Mao was, "Mao, did you see?  I won!"

"Hold on, Ritsu. . . I'm a bit busy right now."  Mao put down his phone, "Yeah!  You did great!"  He responded.

Ritsu felt his chest tighten.  It didn't feel genuine because he was more focused on his work, "Maybe. . . We could get some fizzy drinks to celebrate?  You know, the ones that always keep me awake?  I know I really need one right now!"

Mao nodded, "Yes, that would be grea- hold on!"  Mao's phone started ringing.  He took the call and Ritsu couldn't make out the words being said, but he could see Mao trying to refuse something.  "Sorry, I can't right now. . . Subaru threw us into a last minute concert for next week and I need to practice.  Maybe another time like tomorrow?"  He asked.

Ritsu's heart shattered as he nodded before heading backstage once again.  That 'another time' was a lie.  It would never happen, would it?  But, this was HIS time.  Shouldn't his friend be there to support him through it?  The least he could do was celebrate the moment with him.  But, of course there had to be something standing in his way.  He hated Trickstar, he hated the student council, he hated the basketball club, he hated Anzu.  Why did they take his precious Mao away from him?

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