5: Hostility

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Mao slammed the door to his house shut.  Although he knew he deserved Ritsu moving on and finding friends. . . He didn't expect it to be THAT quickly.  Another thing that irked him was that it was his unit mates.  He could recall the day almost like it was yesterday when Ritsu officially joined Knights.


"So. . . I found a unit to join."  Ritsu looked down.

Mao smiled, "Oh, really?  That's great!  But. . . Why do you look so down?"

Ritsu frowned, "Because that means they'll take all my time with you away from me with practices!"  He pouted.

Mao laughed, "Look, practices don't take THAT long, we can still hang out after them.  Also, I'll make sure to see all of your lives!  I expect to see some great stuff coming from you!"

Ritsu smiled, "Really?  Then you'd better always be seated front and center."  He paused for a moment and went back to frowning, "But what if I get closer to the other members and drift apart from you!  I don't want that to happen!"

Mao thought for a moment, "It won't. . . You just need to get close enough so that the rest of your unit members can trust you!"

Ritsu clung onto Mao once more, "You really are a genius. . . Alright, then it's decided!  We will have sleepovers every day after my practices, you'll always be front and center during any of my concerts and I'll remain on respectful, not close terms with my unit members!"  He smiled.

End of flashback

Mao smiled at the fond memory.  This was back when everything was right and although the two didn't have as many sleepovers as they promised, Mao was still front and center when it came for Ritsu's concerts. So, if all these promises were possible, then why is it that the most important agreement was the one that Ritsu breeched? If Ritsu was mad about breaking a promise, then Mao should be as well.  Especially when Ritsu pride himself on keeping his word.

All of a sudden, the door rang and Mao ran to get it to find Anzu standing there.  "I thought you might like to walk to practice together!"  She offered.

Mao nodded, taking Anzu's hand in his before shutting the door.  The two started making their way out of the neighbourhood when the pair could hear Ritsu talking.

"Look, Izumi!  It's the traitor and his girlfriend."  Ritsu sleepily pointed out.  He lazily extended his hand to gesture to Mao and Anzu, eyes barely open.

Mao rolled his eyes, "You're also a traitor you know?  You still went back on your word!  Didn't you say when you joined Knights that you'd stay on respectful terms with them?"  He challenged.

Ritsu smiled, "Well, times have changed.  Also, I see no reason to commit to promises that I made to people who can't even show me simple respect by keeping one simple promise."

Mao sighed, "Look, Ritsu, I know I messed up but two wrongs don't make a right. . . You can't just claim that because I broke a promise, you can as well.  If the world revolved around that statement for everything, it would just be a bloody mess!"

Ritsu narrowed his eyes, "But in this world, useless pieces of trash should die!  Which is exactly like what Tenshouin did all those years ago!"

"But that revolution and choice of path killed a quarter of our student body!  Do you really think killing that many people is worth it?"  Mao challenged.

"Okay, let's think of it like this:  Tenshouin believed the school was filled with people who had no desire to work hard or have no strength. So, why should the weak remain in the community?"  Ritsu asked.

"Tenshouin wanted to exterminate people who didn't work hard, yes.  You were one of those people!  You only changed after finding Knights!"  Mao accused.

"And that's why I'm sticking with them right now!  You see, they managed to change me for the better in just three years of knowing them.  You, however, couldn't help me change even though we've been friends for how long now?"  Ritsu shot back.

"Easy there, Ritsu!  How about we calm down and we go to school, okay?"  Arashi asked.

Ritsu nodded, "Alright, lets go!  Being around trash is extremely unpleasant!"  He spat.

The tensions continued to rise during school even though the two weren't in the same class.  It seemed that fate loved to see them fight as they often saw each other around the halls during class changes or in the chaotic lunch line. . . All situations where students would push and shove each other.

"Watch where you're going!"  Ritsu hissed as Mao accidentally stepped on the back of his shoe to get to his class.

"Maybe don't walk so slowly next time?"  Mao asked, sprinting to his next classroom.

Another time, Mao was talking with Anzu in the lunch line when Ritsu walked near him and 'accidentally' sneezed, sending food flying towards Mao's uniform.  "Seriously?"  Mao asked.

"My bad, I guess my allergies have been getting to me!"  Ritsu smirked.  Mao knew damn well that wasn't the case but decided to say nothing and clean himself up.

Even during dismissal, they would still bump into each other.

Mao and Ritsu wanted to speed out the door so they didn't have to bump into each other when a random accidental shove from a student, pushed Mao into Ritsu, sending the two flying into the ground. "Get off me right now!  What do you think you're doing?"  Ritsu asked.

Mao immediately scrambled off Ritsu, "Why were you just standing there when you saw me flying towards you?  Ever heard of moving away?"  He asked.

Ritsu pointed his nose in the air, "Have you ever heard of not tripping?"

"Have you ever heard of respect?"  Mao countered.

"Sure I have, but promise breakers don't get mine!"

The two continued to bicker until the hallways were empty. . . Or so they thought.

Mao gritted his teeth, "Okay!  What's your problem?  Why are you acting like such a jerk now?"

"Maybe if you hadn't abandoned me, I wouldn't be behaving this way!"  Ritsu countered.

The two could somehow hear rapid footsteps approaching them, "Ritsu!  Finally!  I found you!  Practice has began so we need to hurry!"  Tsukasa yelled.

Ritsu smiled, "Awww, thank you for telling me Kasa.  Always so reliable.  You never would break a promise. . . Would you?" He asked.

"Well. . . I try to keep my word all the time!"  Tsukasa admitted before shaking his head, "Well, let us hurry before Sena starts scolding me for taking too long to find you!  What if he thinks I was eating sweets instead?"  He asked.

Ritsu ruffled his hair, "If Sena does that, I'll be sure to correct him." He reassured.

"I wish you seniors would stop ruffling my hair!"  Tsukasa yelled.

Ritsu smiled, "But it's just so adorable!  Anyways, lets get going before you get scolded."  With that, Ritsu led the way, elbowing himself past Mao.

Mao shot him a glare and with that interaction, whatever chemistry or trust or friendliness between the two had shattered.

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