Chapter 1 - the last night

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Taylor's POV

The final show of over 150 was about to begin, The last year and a half had been incredible everything I could ever imagine,

"Go shine beautiful," Travis said to me as we walked to the stage,

"Love you," I say to him as I walk away to my entrance mark,

I was stood there for about 30 seconds before I would actually enter the stage, those 30 seconds I spent thinking about the past year and a half, thinking about every single person who had seen the show, thinking about how I released the movie less than halfway through the tour and how it didn't impact my ticket sales, thinking about how this was the first tour iIhad done that fully sold out at every location on every date,

"It's been a long time coming...

It's been a long time coming...

It's been a long time coming...

It's been a long time coming...

It's Fearless

Big Reputation


The lyrics echo in my ears, and I take a moment to breathe, savouring the reality that I'm living my dream. "And they said Speak Now into folklore. My name is Taylor, and I was born in 1989. Evermore. But loving him was Red, Re-e-e-d. Meet me at Midnight. Lover, Lover."

This was the last show, December 8th, in Vancouver, Canada.

I took a deep breath and there we were, on the stage. Somehow the loudest crowd I had ever heard.

I slowly got through each set, taking in every moment. I tried to savour every show but that wasn't always possible. Today I had no choice. This was it. The last 3 hours of the best tour yet. I had broken hundreds of records with this tour, I had finished my re-releases during this tour, and I had met the love of my life on this tour.

I felt like I was going to cry at every song, although it wouldn't be the last time I would perform these songs, it would be the last time I would sing them in this order on this stage, with this band,

By the time we had gotten to Long Live, I was crying, this song was one I had written for the fans and was one that meant so much to me and them. As I sang the song, the crowd were as loud as ever,

22 had been a song I used to give back to my younger fans throughout the whole tour, my mom was a massive help with this, she would go and find kids in the audience to receive the hat I wore, and I signed every single one before the show, and a lot of the time the kids would give me a friendship bracelet each time, I had kept every single one of them. When I would go home I would put them on a display in one of the trophy cabinets we had, they were more important than all my awards combined, they were for me they were from my fans.

I reached the front of the stage to give a young girl, around 11 or 12, the hat. She was tall for her age but still young, she had long wavy brown hair although I couldn't tell if it was natural or curled, she was wearing a glittery silver dress and had a 13 drawn on her hand in what I assume was eyeliner, her eyes were big and she looks as if she was close to crying of happiness, I reached over and hugged her,

"You look so beautiful, you look like a princess," I said, I pointed to her dress before hugging her again

"Help me, please," She said into my ear as she hugged me tight.

I smiled at her as I placed the hat on her head, she handed me 2 friendship bracelets, 1 with her name on it, Alexia Wilson, and one with a string of numbers I could only assume was a phone number,

I looked at the girl one more time before I left her.

As I left the stage and got changed for the folklore set, I handed the bracelets to someone,

"give these to Travis and tell him to keep them safe," I said as my dress was being tied at the back. I knew I needed to do something this kid trusted me to keep her safe, the only thing I want for my fans is for them to be safe.

I pushed the thought of the girl to the back of my mind for the rest of the show, and again made sure to focus on the show, focusing on every small thing I did, making sure to remember it all, remember as many faces as I could, I could recognise some of the people in the front who had been to shows a few times before, there were 2 people there who had been to the 1989 secret sessions, it made me so happy to see they were still here, still fans of my music.

I made my final bow, and the crowd was as loud as ever, The lighted dimmed and the platform I was standing on was brought under the stage,

I was done.

The last show was done.

I stood there for a few minutes as I started to cry, that was it.

It felt as if my life's work was done, I had so much more music to put out but the biggest tour I have ever done or will ever do was done.

As I left the bottom of the stage I saw Travis,

"Trav," I said running over to him

"Hey princess," he said picking me up and spinning me around while kissing me, "I am so proud of you,"

He put me down and placed his arm around my back. He walked slightly in front of me as we walked back to my dressing room.

"Now what?" I asked Travis as we sat in my changing room, "That is it, The tour is done," I felt a wave of sadness come over me,

He came over and stood behind me placing his arms around me,

"Now we figure out life that isn't quite as chaotic," he said while kissing my head,

"I love you so much," I said leaning into him,

"I love you too my beautiful, why don't you get changed and we can head home?" He asks again kissing my head,

We did just that,

I changed out of my midnights body suit and hung it up for the final time, I changed into a skirt and shirt with a jacket and tights. I sat down and whipped the show makeup off my face and reapplied some light makeup.

"Ready," I said as I grabbed my bag,

We walked out of the stadium hand in hand. And headed to the car. My driver was already waiting to take us to the airport.

"Why did you give these to me?" He asked as we were sat in the back of the car,

"The girl from 22 asked me to help her and gave me them, I am assuming that is her name and phone number?" I say looking at them.

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