Chapter 2 - Long live the walls we crashed through

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Alexia's POV 6 months ago

I was laid in bed unable to sleep, I hated going to sleep when my parents weren't home it always gave me an uneasy feeling. So I didn't, I would lay in bed with my iPad watching Netflix while the babysitter was downstairs with her boyfriend, I had begged my parents to let me stay home alone but they didn't budge on their decision to leave me with some teenager who was here to take out food and my parents alcohol.

I heard a knock on the door, it was 11 pm, who would be here at 11 pm, I thought my parents were home, but why would they knock? I turned the show I was half watching off and started to listen,

"Is this the Wilson residence?" A strong masculine voice asked,

"I think so?" The clearly drunk babysitter said questioning what was happening.

"Do you know where, Alexia is?" another voice asked, this time it was a woman, she sounded kind of young.

"She is up in her room," The girl said.

I sat there pondering what was going on. I was thinking so much I didn't hear anything for a minute or so until there was a knock on my bedroom door.


A moment later my door was slowly opened.

"Alexia?" A young woman wearing a police uniform asked entering my room,

"Is everything okay?" I asked, as my head started spinning,

She didn't say anything and just sighed and sat on my bed,

"My name is Carla, I work for the Vancouver police department, earlier this evening there was an accident, your parent's car was involved..."

I started screaming,

"Stop lying... No... they were here earlier... no." I was screaming and crying,

The next thing I knew I was packing as much of my stuff into a bag and a suitcase as possible.

2 days later I was almost 45 minutes away from home at my aunt's house, living out of a backpack and suitcase, starting a new school and having no time to process what was going on.

"You can go if you do all your chores up until the 7th if you miss 1 day You don't go," My aunt said as she handed me an A4 sheet of paper with a long list of chores, including but not limited to:

Cleaning the bathroom, cleaning the kitchen, making breakfast, making dinner, cleaning bedrooms.

There was also a note at the bottom, as soon as you reach 15 you are expected to get a job and pay rent, any money you get must come to me as your 'rent' once you get a job I will have 75% as your rent the rest will go into savings, you will not get an allowance,

I felt the tears build up in my eyes as I read it, i didn't mind doing chores but this was too much, I did get not getting an allowance but she wouldn't let me make my own money. I opened my phone put my earphones in and pressed play on my playlist.

Music had been my escape since I was young, it was the only thing that kept me going.

I walked into the bathroom and took a look at the bruise on my wrist and back,

I wanted to go home, I wanted my parents back. I had never gotten on with my aunt and now it was worse. I am pretty sure she doesn't see me as a human.

She had 3 spare bedrooms that weren't used but she made me sleep in the smallest one on a pull-out bed, as if there wasn't one that was fully furnished with a full-sized bed and desk.

I sat on my bed with my journal and devised a plan,

My best friend Bella had gotten us eras tour tickets, and based on the new rules my only way of getting out would be to get someone there to help me, my aunt was on the school board, and Bella's dad was a single dad trying to raise a pre-teen.

I had planned to go over to Bella's house to make friendship bracelets for the tour at least once a week for the next few months,

I texted her my plan before heading to bed.

Present day

The last thing I thought was going to happen to me was being selected to get the 22 hats, but as we were taking our seats Andrea Swift along with 2 security guards came over to us,

"Hi sweetheart, we were wondering if you would want to be a part of the show?" Andrea asked me,

I looked over at Bella and she nodded,

"Yeh umm sure?" I said tucking my hair behind my head,

"So during 22, one of these guys will come and get you to come and stand at the edge of the stage to receive the 22 hat from Taylor,"

"Really?" I question fiddling with the bracelets on my wrist.

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